Chapter 1🥀

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With my eyes closed and the wind blowing around me it all seemed alright. Peaceful even. My heart was beating fast because I couldn't deny the fact I was scared. I was very scared but knew that feeling numb was everything I wanted. I didn't dare to ask for a better life or to make it stop because I didn't deserve that. I deserved it all. But couldn't I ask for relief? I decided I could and that's why I was standing here with my eyes closed. I forced a smile and walked a bit closer. It would be easy and soon over. I just had to push myself to do it and the people that were around couldn't care less or would be too late. They had the habit of just looking at what was happening in front of their eyes like it was a television. Everything was fake. But not for me. For me everything was painfully real. I opened my eyes and stared at the dark water.

I walked closer and sank down on my knees, looking at my with blood stained hands. I lowered them into the water, palms up, as the water washed away the still wet layer of blood. A deep sigh escaped my mouth before I whispered: "forgive me."


"What are you doing?" Hayoon asked as she stared down at the papers I was supposed to look at.

In one swift movement I took my hands of the desk, quickly tugging my phone away. "Checking the list, as you told me to." I flashed her a warm smile and tried to avoid eye contact.

Hayoon was my sister and after I graduated she let me work in her shop. It had not been my plan but my mother kind of forced me cause she said, and I quote: "Damn it, Kim Jongin you are good for nothing. All you do is play those stupid video games and watch films. Go out and find a job."
So I started searching for one but to be honest, everything seemed so tiring and stupid I soon gave up. That was until my sister opened her store and my mother wanted me to help her out. I've been working here for a while now and I bought my own little apartment to get away from my parents, so life was good.

"Then how many roses do we need to order?" She leaned against the counter in a challenging way.

"Ehh..." I looked down at the paper and scanned through it but couldn't find it. "There must be..."

She grabbed the list and hit me on the head with it. "Are you seriously playing with your phone again? How old do you think you are?"

"Yah!" I exclaimed as I pressed my hand on the spot she had hit. "I'm gonna tell mom you are abusing me."

"Don't be such a baby and do your work," she snapped and raised her fist at me to give her words more effect. I glared at her and she slowly walked off. I huffed, knowing I would be leaving soon and that she couldn't do anything about it. Working in a flower shop was quite relaxing but sometimes I missed some action. I mean, I didn't have to do a lot but nothing exciting happened either. It could be very boring.
I leaned over the counter to see her disappear into her small office and took my phone out again.

"Are you on your phone again?!" She literally screamed through the shop.

"Aish." I locked my phone before lowering my head on my folded arms. "Stupid woman."

I followed the hand of the clock with my eyes and jumped up when the biggest one hit the twelve, announcing it was the end of my work day. I grabbed my jacket and tugged my phone in my pocket before yelling: "I'm out!"

The cool evening breeze whirled around me as I closed the door behind me after turning the sign to 'closed.' My stomach growled and I groaned, knowing I had to walk all the way home before I could finally eat something. Unless I bought some food of course, which wasn't a bad idea. I had to buy some groceries anyway.


Munching on a cookie I swung the plastic bag back and forth next to my leg. Although I said I missed some action, I didn't expect it to come at me this way nor was this the action I wanted. I just wanted to have some harmless excitement.

But when the scene beside of the path caught my attention all I could do was stand still, frozen and shocked, my mouth a bit open in surprise. The people beside of me seemed to do the same thing and as soon as I realised it I started walking. I slowly got out of my trance which frustrated me. Why couldn't I just run towards it? Was I scared? Were the others scared too or were we all just selfish?

I tried to think my steps through but my bag was already somehwere on the ground, jacket off and thrown onto the grass. The cold water licking at my ankles was the first uncomfortable thing I felt. Next thing was the water soaking my shoes and socks. I walked further and finally my mind seemed to wake up again. I started shivering and tried not to think about how my skinny jeans got even tighter around my legs as the material scraped my skin. I was so close to the guy I could see his body trembling as he hugged himself. He probably wasn't aware of my presence. I moved closer until the water came to my stomach and reached out for him. The moment I touched him the guy turned around and swung at me, his elbow hitting my jaw. I groaned and pressed my hand on the painful spot.

"Go away!" The guy spoke as he moved away from me. "Stay out of this."

I was surprised at first but decided I shouldn't let him get away like that and followed him. I was able to grab his arm and he tried to get free, pulling hard. He looked so desperate I considered letting him go, but strenghtened my grip instead. "Calm down."

"Leave me alone!" We were now far enough in the water so the guy, who was smaller than me, couldn't reach the ground anymore and I realised his wild behavior was because he couldn't swim. He made some movements with his arms, but soon went underneath the surface. I quickly pulled at his arm to make him reappear but he tried to free himself again and disappeard. He slipped out of my grip and I started to panic. I would not let him do this. Not when I could stop him.

I moved forward and searched for him with my hands, I touched his arm and didn't hesitate to grab it and pull it up. He coughed loudly as he tried to breath again. Nevertheless he kept fighting to get away from me and it scared me. This guy was so willing to walk to his own death it was frightening. He went down again but this time I pulled him up and pressed him against my body so it was harder for him to fight me. He coughed as he took ragged breaths. I held him close and let him hit my chest and shoulders until he didn't have the strengh anymore. He got silent and his body seemed to give up, like he knew I wouldn't let go. It was true, even if he had tried to scratch my eyes out I would have kept holding him, I couldn't let him continue with what he was trying to do. I took a deep breath before holding him up with one arm around his waist and swimming back to where I could stand.


Hey guys(^~^)
Another Kaisoo fanfic in the making!
I apologise again for any grammar mistakes whatsoever.
This story contains sensitive subjects and some violence that might be disturbing to some people.
I really hope you guys will like this story, so please vote and comment if you do!

Love y'all ( ˘ ³˘)❤

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