Chapter 29🥀

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"Are you kidding me?" I asked in disbelief. "You gave that kid a gun?"

"Wanna see how this kid can handle it?" Joonwoo asked as he took off the safety. "This kid could shoot you and your big mouth."

"Don't you dare." The man stopped with tying my hands for a moment to glare at his son. "I told you to just watch him. Not to show him how tough you are."

"Fine," he murmured and gestured around with the gun, giving me an uncomfortable feeling.

I closed my eyes in an attempt to stop the pounding in my head. As soon as I had stepped into the van I was knocked down by Joonwoo. It had not been the most friendly family I had ever met but I had the feeling Joonwoo was taking it personal. Maybe it was because of what happened between us. He had split my lip, which had created blood spatters on my shirt as it slid down from my chin, and a bruise on my cheek. I didn't know these guys and I wasn't sure of what they were capable of. 

"Oh, you are silent now?" Joonwoo asked scornfully as he grinned from his position on the table. "Cat got your tongue?" 

I winced as his father tightened the ropes around my wrists. "I have nothing to say to you assholes."

"Hey, don't be so grumpy." Joonwoo got to his feet and walked over to the chair I was sitting on. "Those pouty lips don't suit you." 

I tried to move my head away but there was not much room for manoeuvre as he pinched my cheek. "I do tink you are a brave little puppy."

"Joonwoo," the man warned. "Don't get too much satisfaction out of this. Don't ruin this as you aways do."

Joonwoo didn't say anything as he watched his father leave the room. His lips were a horizontal stripe as his hands tightened into fists. For a moment I thought he was going to throw a tantrum but then he turned to me with a grin. "I mean what I said. It's even a bit heroic to do what you are doing, knowing Kyungsoo doesn't really love you. It's astonishing."

My face dropped and no matter how hard I tried to not show him, I failed. He was just playing with me right? 

Joonwoo's grin disappeared and made room for a frown. "You didn't know?"

I felt my shoulders tense as I diverted my gaze, looking at the gray wall. 

He shook his head while rubbing his palms together. "I can't believe you fell for that." His voice became louder as he drew nearer. "All you did was interfere our little moment together. It made you feel like a hero, didn't it? Saving a helpless little guy from the big bad wolf?" 

I flinched as Joonwoo placed his hand on my shoulder as he stood behind me. "Poor you. You do so much and get back so little. Don't you think that's unfair?"

"Shut up," I spoke through gritted teeth. "You think you are the smart one here, don't you?" 

He straightened, "are you accusing me of something?"

I smiled at him, making my busted lip hurt more. "Try what you want, I am not playing your game."

Joonwoo threw his hands in the air and murmured, "every time I try to be nice, people accuse me of being a liar."

"Then why did you take me to lure him here?" I questioned.

"Cause that, my friend, is where I come in." He smirked at me before hopping back onto the table. "I'll make sure he does."

I ignored him while focusing on the lamp hanging down from the ceiling. The doubt I never had was growing and there was no way of stopping it. I didn't like to admit it, but he had gotten to me. What if it was true and he just used it to break me? 

I couldn't let go of that thought.


I swung the front door open as soon as Chanyeol had succeeded in unlocking it. "Jongin?" My voice was harsh and full of uncertainty. A part of me had expected him to be sitting on the couch and telling me he had forgotten, but he wasn't. I walked further into the apartment and opened the bedroom door. Empty. 

"He would never just disappear, Soo." Chanyeol spoke from the living room.

I didn't reply while checking the bathroom, feeling my heart beating unusually fast. "Jongin?" I tried again as I walked back. 

Chanyeol eyed me with worry in his eyes. "Maybe something came up?" He suggested as he took a seat on the couch.

I stopped pacing back and forth to look at him. "We went to the store and Hayoon said he hadn't been in for the whole day. If something comes up you don't leave for the whole damn day!"

"You are right," he simply replied, annoying me for some reason I didn't understand. "I just don't know where to search for him."

I ran a hand through my hair as a loud sigh escaped my lips. I had two options. The first was telling him the truth that there was a big possibility that Joonwoo could have a part in this and the second was to wait and act like nothing was going on. I didn't have the time to think about it as I heard a ringtone. It took me a moment to realise it was from my own phone.

I sprinted into the bedroom and grabbed my bag, throwing the contents of it on the bed. I searched through the school stuff, shoving away the books until my hand touched cold material. I had told Jongin I would throw the phone away and he had thought I had already done it, but this was exactly why I had kept it. 

With shaking fingers I tapped on the green button. "Hello?"

"Hey, baby boy." Joonwoo's voice was clear through the phone. "Missed me?"

"Cut the bullshit and tell me what's going on." I demanded as I clasped the device in my hand. 

He let out a low chuckle, "you always tend to rush things, baby. Some things take time."

"Tell me." I noticed Chanyeol standing in the doorway and I closed my eyes. "Please." 

"Here's the deal honey," he started, not succeeding in taking the pride out of his voice, much to my annoyance. "You get your ass over here and we won't hurt the guy."

I opened my eyes and took in a sharp breath.

"Take it or leave it, baby."

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