Chapter 31🥀

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Every step I took made my inner thigh ache and it felt like my arm was on fire, but I ignored it all. It was even a welcoming pain as I tried not to think about the things that might happen. I tightened my right hand into a fist, stretching the already painful skin. The halls were empty and cold as I walked through them, apart from the paintings that hung on the walls along with a few mirrors. It was exactly the same as when I first had stepped into this house. They hadn't changed a single thing. I stopped walking to look at one of the mirrors reflecting my face but quickly moved on once I realised I looked like a mess. It was late in the evening, so the light that shone through the windows came from the moon, which made it almost completely dark.

I froze as muffled voices became audible, accompanied with footsteps echoing down the hall. It had been silent until now and I had secretly hoped that I wouldn't walk into someone, which was of course ridiculous. I had to see Joonwoo or his father anyway. I decided to try and hide because I didn't know who were coming my way.

I reached out to the door on my right and tried the handle. It gave in and I almost stumbled inside of the room. I quickly closed it behind me and leaned against it with my stomach, resting my forehead against the wood. The voices became louder and I closed my eyes, feeling my heart race in my chest. I could now hear they weren't familiar voices and that they passed, making me breath out the air I had held. I turned around and my eyes widened. I had stepped into Joonwoo's bedroom.

It was a big room with light blue painted walls and a big bed with the same colour sheets. I had been here many times before but I had forgotten it was in this part of the house. The glass door that led to the balcony let a lot of light in so everything was visible. For a moment I was afraid that Joonwoo would come out from somewhere, but he was probably with his father.

I detached myself from the door and walked over to the bed, thinking this would probably be the only time I could snoop around, and opened the drawer of his nightstand. A flashlight rolled over the wood and came to a stop when it couldn't go any further, shoving some stick up notes out in front of it. I took them out but saw they were just appointments he had written down. I closed it again and looked around. What was a spot Joonwoo would use? He would definitely not put anything under his bed. It would be somewhere his father wouldn't look.

There were some workbooks on top of his desk, along with some notebooks and a pen. The few shelves with books where poorly filled with comics and a few books we had to read for school. I took one out and flipped through the pages before putting it back again. This was useless. I didn't even know if he had anything hidden here but knowing Joonwoo, he probably had a few secrets he wanted to keep from his dad. I picked up his school bag and zipped it open, showing the content. More school books, his agenda and some pencils.

I opened another drawer underneath the shelves and took out the laptop that was in it, which was the only thing. I was about to put it back when I noticed a small string sticking out. I placed the laptop on the bed before kneeling down next to the cabinet. I hesitated a moment before pulling at the string. Even though I had expected it, I couldn't help but be surprised as the wood came up with the cord.

Underneath it were a pile of photographs and an object wrapped in a cloth. I carefully took the pile and drew my lower lip between my teeth as I flipped through the pictures. They were all from me. Every single one. Why would he have taken pictures of me?

I suddenly felt dizzy and dropped them on the floor. Joonwoo had not only blackmailed me, he had also stalked me. I couldn't believe my eyes. I raked my fingers through my hair while eyeing the photo's spread across the carpet. I had thought he was just obsessed with the feeling he could control me, but this went beyond that.

"What are you doing there?"

I looked up at the sounds of a voice. I had been too distracted to hear the door when it was opened. I stood up and turned to face him. My throat felt too dry to say anything so I kept staring at him.

"Were you looking at my collection?" Joonwoo asked as he moved closer with a grin. "I think I'm quite good at it."

Joonwoo reached out his hand to touch my cheek, but I jerked away, fear suddenly washing over me. "Don't touch me."

He tensed visibly with a surprised expression on his face for a moment before the grin appeared again. He tilted his head while watching me as he crouched down to pick up the pictures. His fingers seemed to shake as he placed the neat pile in the drawer again, taking the object out before standing. "I guess you are curious what's in it, aren't you?"

I didn't answer him, knowing he would show it to me anyway. I pressed my lips together and watched him unwrap it. My eyed widened as I eyed the gun in his hands. "Oh my..."

Joonwoo smirked, obviously satisfied with my reaction. "I'd appreciate it if you would just listen to me so you won't get hurt. Got it, pretty boy?"

I caught my lower lip between my teeth to make it stop trembling and nodded.

His mouth curved into a smile, "good. Now follow me." He gestured to the door with the gun, making clear I had to go first.

I stepped out of the room into the cold hall again, feeling like there were more people watching me, while in reality I was the only one staring back at myself in the mirrors with Joonwoo walking behind me. "Where are we going?"

"Dad's study, you remember it?" He replied, his voice calm like nothing about this situation was bothering him. "We changed the interior."

I did. We used to sneak into it when his father was out of town and search through his stuff to get back Joonwoo's phone that he had taken away from him as punishment. "Why?"

"Because I want to show you something." He pursed his lips while watching me in amusement. "You didn't really think this would work, right? After what you did. Sometimes you are so naive."

I wanted to tell him to shut up, but figured it wouldn't be a good idea. "Is Jongin okay?"

A mixture of emotions flashed over his face before his usual smug grin appeared again. "That's the surprise, sweetheart."

We turned a corner and I recognised the dark blue wallpaper decorated with golden flowers as I passed a few more doors before stopping. "It's here, right?"

Without answering, Joonwoo dug a key out of his pocket and held it in front of my face. I snatched it out of his hands and pushed it inside of the lock, my heart pounding. It unlocked with a click and I pressed my hand against the wood without opening it. I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath before I had enough courage to push the handle down. The door slowly opened, revealing a dark room with a table and chair as the only furniture. On the chair was a figure with his head low.

I took a step into the room and froze as the figure lifted his head.

"Jongin!" I cried out. I wanted to rush over to him, but Joonwoo caught my wrist.

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