Chapter 18🥀

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As I was waiting by the bar, for who knows what, I noticed a familiar figure. A wave of mixed emotions washed over me and I couldn't keep them apart anymore. My heart started beating faster and at the same time I got scared. I decided I couldn't ignore him and so I hopped off the stool and made my way through the small crowd. I stopped when I was close enough to notice another person standing in front of him and hesitation started to make its way to my head again. What was he doing here anyway? I took a deep breath before approaching him so he could notice my presence.

"How did you get here?" I asked, my voice full of surprise.

Jongin frowned like he was thinking hard about it and placed his bottle on one of the small tables. The man he had been talking to glanced at me before walking off. "I followed you, yes, that's it. I followed you and then when I saw you getting into this club I remember feeling angry about you lying to me and another reason I forgot now, but I followed you in here and lost you. Then I took a drink and now you are here."

It was obvious he didn't just had 'one' drink cause he was obviously very tipsy. I shook my head and grabbed his arm, pulling him with me towards the exit. Joonwoo could wait with whatever he wanted from me, Jongin is way more important. I couldn't just ignore the state he was in or send him home like this. I knew he was older, but right now I was the responsible one. I pushed the heavy door open and leaded him outside.

I couldn't drive and I didn't have any money on me to call a taxi so I stopped walking and started searching Jongin's pockets to find his wallet. He had bought beer so he should have money, right? Jongin on the other hand, watched me with big eyes. "Soo," he called and licked his lips. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," I quickly replied as I found what I had been looking for. I put it in my pocket and tried to find a taxi while also keeping an eye on Jongin who was staring at a colourful billboard at the other side of the road. "Jongin, come here." I ordered and cursed softly when Jongin just stared back at me. I grabbed his sleeve and pulled him closer to the road as I made a taxi stop in front of us. "Let's go home, okay?"

Jongin nodded and got into the car after I gave him a little push to move forward. I followed him and told the driver the adress. I could have walked back with him but he would probably draw a lot of attention to us and I was still scared someone who wasn't supposed to see me would. I noticed Jongin was trying to fasten his seatbelt but failed so I moved closer to help him and ended up leaning over his lap to be able to do so. Jongin just stared down at me with something in his eyes I couldn't understand. I tried not to think too much of it but he didn't stop. "What?" I asked and a smirk that send heat to my cheeks appeared on his face. 

"You," he replied like it would explain everything. I watched him in confusion and he just chuckled and glanced out of the window.


I unlocked the door with the key I took and walked in, followed by a stumbling Jongin. I sighed and watched him take off his jacket before leading him towards the bedroom. He wasn't really drunk, he just had too much to drink, so he had no difficulty walking or talking, but somehow he acted very different. He walked inside but didn't seem to be planning on getting ready for bed. He turned around as I was standing at the door. Something had changed in his behaviour from when we left the club and it made me nervous.

Jongin took steps forward until I had to move backwards, his gaze not leaving my face. He lifted his hand and placed it on the door behind me, closing it with a loud thud. My breath hitched and the words I tried to speak left my mouth without a sound. Jongin cupped my face and smashed his lips onto mine while forcing my back against the door. A groan escaped my mouth but was swallowed my his, taking my breath away. I felt my knees getting weak as he pressed his body against mine, leaving no space between us. He pulled back for a moment before kissing me again, softer this time. It all felt like a dream but the reality was that I found myself kissing back without hesitating. 

His hands roamed all over my body and I tried to ignore the small voice in the back of my head telling me to stop him, because it felt too good.
Jongin moaned softly as he rubbed my sides with his thumbs, leaving a warm feeling on the cold skin he touched.
The voice repeated itself again and again and without fully realising it, I pushed him away. "Jongin, stop."

He stared at me with eyes that didn't understand. "What's wrong?"

"You are not thinking straight." I knew it was the best thing to do, but his lips looked so inviting and his warm body was all I wanted to feel. I shook my head to get rid of the images and turned to get out of the room.
Jongin moved forward and took my arm, spinning me around to face him.
"I am."

I pulled my arm free and had to hold back the tears threatening to spill once it hit me. "No, I don't want to be one of them." 

Jongin frowned and looked around the room before focusing back on me, "what's that supposed to mean?" 

"I know you only want to try to see if I'm any different than the others that you had, but I won't let you play me." I couldn't look at him while speaking these words. He had seemed so certain of his feelings when he told me no one made him happy and he couldn't make me believe otherwise at this moment. 

"Soo," his voice broke and he had to take a deep breath before he could continue. "I would never do that to you, it's just that..."

"That what?" I asked impatiently. 

"You are different and maybe I am a lunatic with insane thoughts, but one thing can never lie." He placed his hand on the left side of his chest and took a step closer. "It starts beating faster whenever you are near and it aches when you are away."

"You don't know what you are talking about," I murmured while averting my gaze. He was still tipsy and was just talking rubbish. "Stop it." 

"Please listen to me," Jongin tried and hesitantly placed his palm against my cheek. "I promise you I am not lying." 

"And you want me to take your word for it when you are in this state?" I scoffed. "Go to bed." 

"Don't let tonight end like this." He removed his hand but didn't give me more space.

"Is that my fault?" I asked annoyed, not really sure anymore of why I felt like I needed to defend myself. "You started this."

"What exactly did I start?" He questioned while trying to make eye contact. "I couldn't hold back anymore and I am sorry for it because it probably indeed was the alcohol that took that wall away. Is that what you want to hear? That I indeed wanted to try if you felt the same and that you are right? It would be a lie but you are not taking my no as an answer. Besides, you should think about your own lie instead of making yourself think I am a liar."

I opened my mouth to say something back but it felt like my mind wasn't working. Before I could reply, Jongin shove me aside and opened the door. "Take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch." 

I could only watch him walk out of the room and closing the door behind him.

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