Chapter 25🥀

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The wind blew hard enough to make the trees rock back and forth as the water rippled reposeful. It was too dark to see the houses or path, but the water seemed to glow, shining a dark blue light up to the branches. Who in return, let their shadows dance on the surface. It was magical to watch. I stared up at the darkness as voices started to whisper inaudible things. Their voices seemed to roll over the water, becoming louder and louder as they came closer with fog that stretched out over the surface. It reached my feet and wallowed around my ankles. I tried to step back but it was like chains, holding me down. The voices were now loud enough to be understandable and I shuddered as they repeated my name. I lifted my hands to cover my ears but the word only got louder. They didn't seem to stop.

I sank down on my knees and opened my mouth to scream but nothing came. A pair of strong hands was wrapped around my neck. I could feel the fingers pressing hard against the skin, but when I lowered my hands I could only feel the cold and moist of the fog. It was whirling around my body up to my neck. It was so strong and no matter how hard I clawed at it, it wouldn't let go. The voices had stopped calling my name like they were all watching how I was struggling.

I gasped loudly as it released me, my hands immediately touching the bruised skin. They were wet and it kept sticking to my neck. I lowered my hands, palms up, as I noticed the red substance. It was blood. My hands were covered in blood. I crawled over the dark earth and looked down at the water reflecting my face. A bloody handprint was covering my throat along with blue and purple spots. The blood had mixed with sand as it ran down my cheek. The water rippled violently as my face turned into someone else's. I watched in horror as the familiar face smiled back at me.

I reached out slowly until my finger touched the water, distorting the image. A hand shot out and grabbed my wrist, fog immediately curling around my arm. I cried out when the same fingers dug into my skin. The face was now grinning up at me, pleased with itself. His mouth opened but the voice sounded from further away. "Do it, Kyungsoo. Or are you afraid?" His laugh was shrill. "This is what you want, right?"

He started pulling as I tried to break free. He was too strong and the water slowly swallowed my arm. Silent cries escaped my lips as I put all my strength in pulling back. The blood and dirt now mingled with hot tears while my shoulder touched the cold liquid. I didn't want this. Not anymore. My head disappeared under the surface as arms wrapped around me. Warm arms that held me close.

My eyes fluttered open and closed again, blinded by the light. Slowly the room became visible and with that the realisation that it had been a dream. I was panting heavily as my eyes searched for the owner of the arms. I wiggled around, feeling the tears sliding down my cheeks as I felt panic raising up in my chest. The memory of his face lingering in my mind seemed to choke me without using his hands.

"It's okay Soo, it was just a dream." The person, I recognised as Jongin, let me go. "I'm here."

"No." My voice was harsh and my throat felt dry. "He'll come for me."

"Who?" Jongin asked. It was obvious he tried to hide the fact he was surprised, but failed terribly at it. "That guy his father?"

I nodded and grimaced at the feeling of my with sweat soaked shirt. My forehead was also wet and I wiped it away with the back of my hand. "I can't stay here."

"You are talking rubbish because of your dream." He sounded tired and annoyance started to seep through his voice. "It's three in the morning. Go back to sleep."


"Soo," he cut me off. "No one will get to you. Trust me." He ran a hand down his face and peered at me from underneath furrowed eyebrows. "Try to sleep."

I nodded. Not because I believed him, but because I knew he wouldn't listen to me. It wasn't a matter of trust either.
I pulled the shirt over my head and threw it on the floor before laying down on my back, feeling the cold air on my clammy body. I shivered and pulled the sheets higher as my eyes focused on the white ceiling. His face was still visible in my head as I tried to calm my rapidly beating heart.

Jongin moved closer and hesitantly sneaked his arm around my waist. His warmth immediately chased away the cold and I sighed in relief. I let him pull my body against his and felt his hair tickling my skin as he pushed his face in my neck. It felt good, but I couldn't loose myself in the feeling when my mind was full of worry.

I closed my eyes and saw his face like it was carved onto my eyelids. It wouldn't leave. His lips parted in a sinister grin. This is what you want, right? His words had surprised me. He was pulling me to my own death and told me it was what I wanted. It had been true, but the desire for being numb had slowly slipped away. Taken away by someone that had given me attention and love. Someone that had made me feel important. But now Joonwoo's father was threatening to take it all away again.

I couldn't stay here and let it all happen. I had to do something.

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