Chapter 15🥀

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I was putting the clean dishes away when I heard the sound of a loud bang followed by shattering glass. I quickly placed the plate I was holding on the counter and made my way towards my bedroom. I tried to steady my breath but the amount of bad things that could happen flashing through my mind made it impossible. I opened the door and had to scan the room before I noticed Kyungsoo's body on the ground. I rushed to his side and kneeled down, making sure I didn't touch the glass. "Kyungsoo?" I cupped his face but he didn't open his eyes. His hand was curled around a piece of glass and blood was dripping out of the cut. I carefully took it out of his hand and threw it aside before pulling his body closer so I could lift him up. I placed him on the bed and sat down at the edge. 

"I'm sorry," he suddenly mumbled. "So sorry." 

"Shh," I started stroking his hair, since that was the only thing I could think of that could calm people. I remembered my mother doing it when I had a nightmare and I hoped it would be a comfort for Kyungsoo. I inched closer and started whispering things that came in my mind to his trembling body. Things like "It's okay," and "I'm here." They seemed to calm him down in a way that made him stop talking and his eyes flutter open. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, but instead of answering he grabbed a fist full of my shirt and moved as close as he could. His body pressed up against mine as his head rested on my chest. I had no other option than to hold him and so I did, sheltering him inside my arms. I gently rubbed his back while his hair tickled my nose. It made me realise how badly I wanted him to feel safe and how good it felt to be the person he seeked safety from.

"Jongin?" He spoke softly. "Why am I bleeding?" 

I pulled back enough so I could look at him and took his bleeding hand in mine. It was shaking violantly and it made me wonder what had happened instead of if he was okay. "You broke a vase." 

"I am so sorry..." his voice broke and a choked cry spilled out of his mouth. "It was an accident." 

"Hey," I placed my hand on his cheek and forced him to look up at me. "Don't worry about it. It's totally fine."

He shook his head, "I saw... I saw my mother. She was..." He stopped talking and covered his face with his hands, smearing some blood on his cheek. "It hurt so bad and I felt sick."

"Is that what happened?" I asked and stood up to get a tissue, taking his hands away once I found one and wiping his face with it. "Tell me." 

He eyed me with insecure eyes before opening his mouth again. "I was taking a shower when I started to feel pain in my body and dizziness. I tried to get out and succeeded in putting on my... my underwear before everything went black and I fell, taking your vase with me I guess." 

"You just saw your mother?" I took his hand and pressed the tissue against the cut. He winced but didn't pull back. 

"I remember her being like that not long ago," he whispered.

"So it was a flashback?" I asked and looked up at him, trying to find the truth in his eyes. All I could find was pain. Pain and regret. They were clearly visible as he stared back at me. It seemed to last for ages until he nodded and looked down at his hand, reminding me in what kind of situation we were in. "I'll get the first aid kit," I announced before letting him go to leave.


I was laying on my back with my eyes closed because Jongin told me to rest after he put bandage around my hand, but I couldn't relax. My mother's face was haunting me and every time I closed my eyes for too long she would appear again. I didn't want to admit it but I silently wished Jongin could sense my fear and would come in to comfort me cause I was too scared to go to him. Of course he did not sense it and I kept laying alone in the half dark. 

I lifted my hand and examined it in the soft light that shone through the curtains. I could run away from most of my problems but there was one that would keep chasing me. It was like a bad dream were you run away from something but didn't get any further away. It would slowly take your breath away and pull you closer. There was no way of escaping it. And of course then there was the payment. The way you would be punished for it. Maybe it would just let you go with a few painful spots, but if you were less lucky it would beat you down for life. Maybe it would release you just for fun to make you think you were smarter and escaped until it finds you again. And then, only then, you really feel the weight of the consequences.

I sat up straight and swung my legs over the edge before making my way to the door, opening it softly before walking further into the room. Jongin was sitting at the kitchen table with his head on the wooden surface. I walked closer and saw he had his eyes closed in the dim light of the lamppost outside. He had fallen asleep right on top of his paperwork. A small smile formed on my lips as I took the papers away before gently wiping some strands of hair out of his face. "Jongin," I spoke softly while gently shaking him. "I think it's time to go to bed. 

He just groaned so I shook him a bit harder and he finally opened his eyes, rubbing them when he noticed me. "Soo?" 

"Let's go to bed." I spoke and placed my hand on his shoulder. Jongin nodded and stood up, slowly making his way to his bedroom. I followed him and got into the bed again, watching him get ready for the night with half lidded eyes. It was an adorable sight and I couldn't stop the smile from appearing on my face. He laid down next to me and pulled the sheets over his body, immediately closing his eyes again. I waited a moment before I dared to inch closer to carefully touch his leg with my toe. He didn't react so I got even closer, feeling his warmth go through my body. I closed my eyes and fell asleep before I could notice his arm making its way around my waist. 

We both got what we longed for. A bit of happiness and safety.

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