Chapter Seven

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My classes for the day were done and I was waiting in the cafeteria for any one of the girls to show up. I became very bored sitting doing nothing so I took my phone, and started browsing on the internet. I went to my dad Facebook page and saw most of my pictures. He even posted a picture of me sleeping on the couch with my mouth wide open. I looked at it and laughed, remembering that day. I was so embarrassed. I missed him so much. Every night I cried praying and wishing that he would come back.

I'll be going back home Friday   for the funeral on Saturday. Ann insisted on coming with me and am very glad that she is. I really need her comfort. At least she being there with me will help me stay away from my mom and not stick around her so she can push me away. I have to call her and check up on her only because I promised my dad to not abandon her. I began to call her. It took awhile before she answer.

"Hello Mom?"

"Elizabeth, how are you?"

I was so shocked. My mom was concern about how am doing. I've never remember her asking me how I am before. "I- I'm okay mom." I said with trembling voice. "How are you and how's Jonathan?"

"We're okay." I could sense that she was crying.

"Mom are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's just that Jonathan won't talk to me. He said that...."

Why was she hesitating to tell me what Jo said. "What did he say mom."

"He said that I hate you."

The last three words brought tears to my eyes. I became so emotional and I don't know why. I wanted her to feel the same pain I was feeling now so I decided to back what Jonathan said "But that's the truth. You've never cared about me mom. You've always hated me. You're always pushing me away. What did I ever do to you mom tell me?!" I asked but I control my tone because I was in the cafeteria and I didn't want anyone hearing me.

"I- you don't understand Liz." She never called me that before why now. "We can't talk about this on the phone. There's something I got to tell you. We'll talk when you come home."

"Then I can't wait, cus you got a lot of explaining to do. Bye." I said and hung up not wanting for her to say another thing. I wipe my eyes quickly before anyone saw that I was crying. Where are my friends?! I was about to call Ann, when someone laid their hand on my shoulder.


I turned around quickly. It was Chris. His eyes were directly into my. He looked at me. His beautiful green eyes darkened. I think he heard my conversation with my mom, because I could see guilt and pity in his eyes. Not him too, I can't take anymore pity.

"Hey." I said making my voice sound normal, but I know my eyes were going to ruin my pretending because I know that they were red. "Stop creeping on me or I might get a heart attack. What  are you doing here? I'm waiting for the girls to come so we can go eat somewhere else. You can come with us if you want. Why are you looking at me like that. There's nothing wrong with sitting alone. Is there?"

He just stood there looking at me and tucked his hands in his pockets. "It's not that, its just that you really talk a lot when you're angry ." He said sitting next to me, smiling. Then he turned serious. "You don't have to act okay, I heard everything Liz. I didn't mean to listen but you were on the phone and-"

"It's okay." I give him a weak smile cutting him off, not wanting to talk about my mom.

"It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it. But remember Liz," he said removing my curly black hair from my face and tucking it behind my ear. " am always here if you need someone to talk to or if you need a place to cry, you can always use my shoulders. Sometimes people don't need to talk about their problems they just need someone to comfort them." He said lifting my chin and looking at me straight in the eye. He laid his palm on my cheek and began stroking it with his thumb.

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