Chapter Eleven

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"Hey Ann." I said as I came walking in our room.

"Hey." She answered me in a very low tone.

"Have you been crying?" I asked her, because her eyes look red and puffy.

"No. My eyes are hurting that's all." I know she's lying, and am gonna find out what's happening to her.

"Okay. Well aren't you excited that Christmas is almost here, after all our waiting and planing?" I said crashing on her bed beside her.

"Yeah I am." She told me with no smile on her face nor excitement in her voice.

"Ann, what's up with you? Where's my 'Christmas is my favorite part of the year' friend?"

"She's right here. Hello?" She tried, sounding happy.

"Well then. What are you waiting for? Get up let's start packing, we're leaving tomorrow." I know something is wrong with my friend, but if I force her to talk she won't. She's the most stubborn person I know.

"Okay, okay fine." She got her lazy butt up and started throwing things in her suitcase.

"Later we're driving to Luke's for movie night. You coming right?"

She let out a breath,and sat down on her bed. "I don't know if I want to go. I'm tired."

"Hey, you're going. Whether you like it or not." I told her and she knows am damn serious.

"And if I don't." She asked with a stupid smirk on her face.

"I'll pour a cold bucket of water on you, when you're asleep tonight. And you know I can." I said knowing that she will definitely surrender.

"Okay! I'll go."

"Good." I looked at my phone screen and it was almost movie time. "Let's go, or we're not gonna be there in time." I grabbed my keys and haul Ann out with me.

"Ow! Careful you're hurting my wrist. Wait!"


"My jacket." she give me her phone and ran back inside. Suddenly a message popped on the screen from Thomas.

"I'm sorry, but your bitchy attitude caused me to hit you.."

I'm so shocked right now. Tom hit Ann! He's a good for nothing son of a  bitch! So that's the reason for her sad mood. I feel so bad for my friend. His sorry doesn't even seem honest.

"What's up with you now?" I jumped when I heard Ann's voice.

"Let's get in the car Ann." She looked surprise at my sudden change in attitude.

"What!" She yelled.

"Thomas sent you a message." She quickly grabbed her phone from my hand.

"Ann why didn't you tell me he hit, you? I thought we said that we wouldn't keep secrets from each other. Why are you hiding something like that from me?" I asked her feeling sad.

"It's nothing really. I made him angry. It's all my fault." She said with shaky voice. Tears were coming down her face.

"It still doesn't give him the right to hit you. No matter what."

"Let's just forget it and go. Okay? He said sorry and I forgave him."

"You can't let him hit you and get away with it. I'll give him a piece of my mind. No one hits my best friend and gets away with it." I said starting my car.

"Just let it go Liz. It's alright."

"No it's not alright!"

"He hit me not you okay? So just let it go. It's none of your business!" That really brought pain to my heart. I always tell Ann everything so why would she keep hers from me, perhaps she don't trust me much.

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