Chapter Twenty

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The game was getting pretty tense by now. The Black Hawks or what ever their name is, were leading our college team six points. Chris and the guys were playing very good. I mean they are so good, I don't even know how come the Hawks were in the lead. Me and the girls were sitting on the third road behind the team, our team. I had Chris team hoodie on and so did the girls with theirs from the other guys. It was so funny cus it was like we were the cheer leaders. But we weren't the only girls, I saw a few others with the same hoodie.

I spotted Emily on my far left giving me the dirtiest and most devilish look I've ever seen. It's been awhile since I last saw that salty face of hers, but I didn't care all I care about now was praying that Chris and the guys wins. I turned my attention back to the game and saw that they were now only two points ahead of us and the time was almost out.

Chris got ahold of the ball and I saw him moving swiftly across the court with it like he was passing between statutes instead of real humans. Forty five more seconds to go in the game.

"Come on Chris," I said softly squeezing Ann hand tightly beside me
"you can do it."

He passed the ball to a tall guy who later passed it back to him, because he had no chance of shooting. Chris gave the shot  from three points and it went directly in the ring. Ten seconds later the game ended. I sprang up from my seat and jumped up and down, happy till I don't know what to do. I turned to Ann and we both started jumping up and down again.

"You know you almost twist my wrist, right?" She asked me with a laugh.

"Sorry, I was just a bit worried."

"What? Girl your man just saved the team from getting their asses whooped." We booth laughed and instantly sweaty arms wrapped around my waist, but the smell of lavender and vanilla over powered the gross body odor.

I turned and looked at him, with my teeth all out. "You did it!" I wrapped my arms around his neck, not caring about his sweat soaking the hoodie, after all it's his. I pulled back.

"No, we did it. Me, the team and you." He said the last word then kissed me lightly on the lips.

I scrunched my brows in confusion.

"Me? What did I do?"

"You're here."

"Where else should I be?" I said rolling my eyes. "The only place I should be right now is here, watching the man that I love playing the game that he love."

He gave me the best smile I've ever seen, which made me realized how much my coming to the game matters to him.

"We're going to the coach house after here for-"

"Chris!" Bob yelled from the court, calling Chris to join them in receiving the trophy.

He quickly hurry back to the court. I stood smiling all to myself, till I felt a strange presence near me. I turned and met Emily standing beside me. Ann and the girls were nowhere to be seen. How long had she been standing here? I instantly hoped she been standing there long enough watching me and Chris. I could see her salty face looking all red, but she tried to hide it behind her almost sixteen layers of make-up face.

"So I can see you're still alive." I said breaking the stupid starring between both of us.

"Just because I haven't been around lately, doesn't mean I've given Chris up. I've given you a lot of time to fool around with him."

"Surprise I haven't seen you lately. What actually have you been doing? Finding a way to make Chris and I break up? Oh, and let me guess you failed."

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