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•Valeria's POV•

We get to the dinner and I see my moms boss.

"Hey Miss Johnson", I hug her.

"Hey sweetie come sit", she says and I follow her and see their is names on little sheets of paper to tell you where you sit.

From the looks of it it's arranged boy girl order. I obviously sit next to Briar and next to a guy with the same curly hair as Jack.

"Briar take out her chair for her", his mom nudges him and he does so.

I sit and turn to see it is jack and he sees me and he smiles at me and I do too but then I see Leslie and my frown literally turn upside down and I just turn and don't look at her or jack.

"Valeria", he touches my arm.

"Do you need something?", I turn to him an respond in an annoyed tone even though I'm not annoyed. I don't know what I feel I'm mad that he's here with Leslie, but I'm also sad that he's here with her and not me, and I'm also ugh I don't know I'm just don't want him with her.

"What's wrong?", he asks.

"I am here with my date enjoy yours", I say and turn again.

"Why are you mad", he asks.

"I'm not mad", I say.

"Than what are you?", he asks.

"I'm as happy as I've ever been can't you tell", I smile.

"Come on Valeria, you can't be mad at me you are here with a different date too", he says.

"Why does it matter it's just a date it's not like I'm dating anyone I just have friends no boyfriend", I say.

"Ok than stop being mad at me", he says.

"Sorry dinner is served I don't eat and talk at the same time", I say and turn around.

I eat a bit and then music starts playing and Briars Mom comes to us and tells us to go dance.

"I didn't know this was a ball", I say while we are dancing.

"It's almost over for both of us", he says.

"May I?", I hear someone ask Briar and he nods and spins me to switch partners and I land in Jacks arms and I roll my eyes.

"Wow that hurt", he smiles and I can't help but giggle a bit but I go serious again.

"Eyy, I got a little smile in you", he says and I stay quiet.

"Hey don't be mad at me", he says.

"I'm not mad", I get mad that he keeps saying I'm mad.

"If your not mad what are you", he pulls me closer and whispers in my ear.

"I don't know but I'm not mad", I say even more angry.

"Come on don't be mad at me, Leslie's mom begged my mom to say yes to come to the dinner", he says, "and I'm dancing with you not her", he says and I look down and smile and he lifts my chin.

"That what I wanted to see", he says and I smile more.

"No", I say. I know I can't stay mad at him he always make me laugh or just smile.

"Good because I would hate dancing with Leslie all night", he says and we hear a cough and he turns to see Leslie.

"Jack you are my date you should be dancing with me", she says.

"Go dance with Briar or something I'm having this dance with Valeria", he says.

"Valeria is always has to get my sloppy seconds first trying to eat with you now Briar", she says.

"It's not sloppy seconds if they weren't your in the beginning", I say and me and Jack dance again.

"She annoys the hell out of me", I say and he laughs.

After a bit more dancing Leslie keeps begging to dance so he dances with her and me and Briar dance a bit, Finally it ends.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow", I hug jack and we say our goodbyes.

We get in the car and Briar drives me home.

"Hey I want you to know I may be a dick but like it's just because you are the first girl to not drop on there knees for me", he says.

"Thanks I guess", I say.

"You are just not my type and I know I'm not yours but like I'm sorry for being so rude", he says and I'm surprised.

"Is your type stupid and a hoe like Leslie", I say and he nods.

"So are you and Jack dating or do you just have a thing", he asks.

"No we are just friends", he pulls up to my house.

"Than why were you jealous?", he asks.

"I wasn't", I say.

"Than what were you?", he asks.

"I was just mad that he was at the dinner with Leslie and not me", I say and analyzed what I just said.

"Excited", he says and I get out and walk to my house.

I close the door and put my back on it and slide down still in shock.

"What wrong", Jackie comes up to.

"I was jealous of jack being with another girl", I say, "I like Jack, I like jack avery", I say.

"So that's a good thing", Jackie says and helps me up.

"No it's not, Jack is one of the hottest guys in school every girl is head over heels for him I'm just gonna be another of those dumb girls", I say.

"Don't think like that you and jack are friends witch gives you more of a chance", she says.

"And I bet he likes you too", Luis says from the couch.

"You guys aren't helping I don't wanna like him because I'm not supposed to like him supposed to like a guy that's boring like me and equally as ugly as me", I say.

"How am I gunna date a guy who is hotter than me", I say and Jackie laughs.

"Calm down don't stress it out to much you just like a guy what a big deal if he likes you back that's great if he doesn't who cares he's just another guy now go upstairs and sleep", she tells me and I walk up stairs take off my contacts, put my hair in a messy bun, put on some squared black and red sleeping pants and a black tan top, and take of my makeup.

I put my alarm and lay down and slowly drift into a deep sleep and a dream about me having my first kiss with jack.

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