T W E N T Y - S E C O N D

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•Valeria's POV•

Jack took me home and he open the door for me and walked to the front door.

"What are you doing?", I ask.

"Just wait", he says.

He knocks and my dad opens.

"Hey sweetie", he says then looks at Jack.

"Hello Mrs. Castro I am Jack Avery pleasure to meet you", hr says and I smile.

"Pleasures mine", my dad shakes his hand.

"Sorry to bother you but do you think I can have a word with you and your wife?", he ask.

"Come in", my dad says.

•Jack's POV•

I am about to ask for permission to date Valeria.

"Hey jack nice to see you again", Valeria's mom says.

"Nice to see you too", I see you.

"So what do you need mister", her dad says.

"Misses and mister Castro I am here to ask for your permission to date your daughter", I say.

"Well will you respect her, do you know how to treat a woman jack", her dad asks.

"Yes I know my boundaries and I know how to respect a woman", I say and look at Valeria who is looking down the playing with her fingers.

"Well Valeria do you really like this guy?", her dad asks her.

"Yes", he nods and I smile.

"Well Mija I know I had to let you grow up and I hate that it's now but yes you have our blessing", her dad says.

"Thank you so much sir you can have all my information and anything you need so you feel comfortable with your daughter with me", I say and he nods.

"Finally you guys took forever to date", Jacky comes down the stairs.

"Can we go upstairs I still have to tutor him", Valeria says and I smile.

"Yes you may and jack would you like to stay for dinner?", he dad asks.

"Yes thank you sir", I say.

"You can stop calling me sir, call me Armando", he says.

"Ok Armando", I say and he smiles.

•Valeria's POV•

We up to my room and I close the door hug jack.

"You look so cute nervous", I say and he laughs and I wrap my arms around he neck.

"You look so cute all the time", he says and grabs my waist and goes in for a kiss and my glasses get in the way and I laugh .

"Ugh let me get those", he takes my glasses off and kisses me and I push him on the bed so we can both be on the bed together.

"I love being with you and all but I missed two days of school and I need to catch up so can you please pass me the work?", I say and get up and stand by the edge of the bed.

"But", he sits on the edge of the bed and wraps his arms around my waist.

"But nothing", I say.

"A couple minutes of just us and I'll do all the homework myself", he says.

"Mmm?", I frown my face.

"Ok that's a yes", he pulls me back on the bed and I squeal.


"Dinner is ready", I hear my mom yell and me and jack go down stairs and see my mom made chicken Alfredo.

"So Jack how old are you?", my dad asks.

"Just turned eighteen", he says and I grab his hand from under the table.

"Mom where's Luis?", I ask.

"Went on a dinner date", she says.

"So how many girlfriends have you had?", my mom asks and I roll my eyes.

"Two", he says and I take a sip of water.

"So jack you a virgin?", my dad asks and I choke on my water.

"Dad!", I yell while my mo yelled "Armando!".

"You don't have to answer that sweetie my husband is just being a jerk", my mom says.

"It's getting late I think it might be time for us to go up to our room", my mom says.

"It's only seven thirty", my dad says.

"Late enough", my mom says and they go upstairs arguing.

"I'm sorry", I say to him.

"It ok", he smiles at me.

"You should be getting home and I should start doing my homework she never earlier you didn't let me"? I say.

"But you were with me so it's ok", he smiles and pulls me on his lap.

"Wow", he says.

"What?", I ask.

"I finally got the most beautiful girl in school to be my girlfriend", he says and I smile and kiss him.

We get up and I walk him to the door.

"No", he turns and looks at me.

"No what?",I ask.

"No I'm not a virgin", he says.

"I don't care about that my dad might but I don't", I say.

"So you don't care?", he asks.

"As long as you don't try to ducked try to make me do something I don't want to do I don't care the past is in the past we are here right now", I say.

"Valeria I will never make you do something you're not comfortable doing", he hugs me.

"And I will never leave you because any man that does that is a coward", he says and tightens the hug.

"Ok jack it's actually getting late", I say.

"Are you kicking me out?", he says.

"Yes", I say and he laughs and goes to his car.

"Wait jack!", I yell.

"Yes?", he smiles and turns around to face me.

"Goodnight kiss?", I ask and he smiles and speed walks to and holds my face and pulls me closer to kiss him.

"Get off my sister", we hear and turn around to see Luis getting out his car and jack laughs and hold me in his arms.

"Nice to see you eating my sisters face before you leave", He says.

"Shut up or else I'll talk about that time I walked in on you and Jackie doing something my eyes shouldn't have seen", I say.

"Ok I'll be quiet and nice to see you grew balls to ask her out", Luis says.

"Grew balls I've had them", jack says and the both laugh.

"Ok leave", I say to Luis and he goes into the house.

"Ok bye for real", he says and kisses my temple.

"Bye", I wave and he gets in his car and drives off.

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