T H I R T Y - T H I R D

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•Valeria's POV•

Lately my life has been feeling like every romantic comedy I have ever watched. I woke up today to nobody in my room, it was great.

"Hey Valeria want to go to my aunts house your godparents and Axel are leaving tomorrow but you have school tomorrow so I thought we can say bye today", I look to my door and see Luis.

"Sure", I say, "get out I need to change"

I brush my hair and put it in a high messy ponytail, I put on some black and white adidas exercise shorts and a black tank top. I don't have anyone to impress I can look crappy.

"Ready", Luis asks.

"Yes I am", I say and we go down the stairs.

We both go into his car and he start driving. The car ride from my house to my aunts house is twenty minutes that's why I don't go that much, I know twenty minutes isn't that much but I hate being in a car for to long. Before we get to my aunts house we pass by Starbucks.

"Can I get two caramel frappe, and one pink drink all venti", Luis says.

Obviously the pink drink is for me, and one is for Luis and the other is for Axel.

"Why do you like the pink drink? It kinda taste like medicine", Luis says.

"Does not", I give him a weird look and he laughs.

Once they give us our drinks we start our Jeremy again to get to my aunts house. We get to my aunts house and knock on the door.

"Come in its open", I hear and I open the door and see everyone in the living room.

"Hey Valeria", my aunt says.

"Hey tia, where is Axel?", I ask.

"Probably in the small room that one right there", she points at the door in the hallway.

I leave my bag and phone in the counter and get the drink I knock on the door and no one answers so I just open the door. I go in and see not one I turn around see jack and give him a confused look.

"I'm sorry Valeria", I see Axel close the door quickly and I run to it.

"Axel!", I scream and try to open the door but he locked it from the outside.

"Fucking asshole", I say and hit the door.

"Well hi to you too", Jack says.

"Shut up", I say and roll my eyes.

"Wow so like do you hate me or something", he says.

"When did I say that?", I say sarcastically.

"Si who planned this?", I ask.

"Well Axel though of most of it I just agreed with everything", he says.

"Why?", I ask.

"Because anytime I would try to talk to you, you would run away from me", he says.

"I wasn't running away", I say.

"Well you would try to avoid me, why I don't know but I've been trying to figure out why", he says and I don't look at him.

"Valeria!", he yells and I just keep ignoring him.

"Why do you keep ignoring me, tell me what did I do", he says.

"Nothing", I say.

"Than why did you break up with me", he says and I don't say anything.

"And you can't say any of that I ended something that wasn't gonna last shit because we could last", he says.

"How do you know that", I say.

"How do you know we weren't gonna last", he says.

"Touché", I say and he chuckles.

"Valeria?", he calms down a bit.

"Talk to me, please", I can hear his voice cracking a bit.

"What do you want me to say", I slide my back on the door and sit on the floor with my knees to my chest.

"I want you to tell me what did I do, I want to feel what I felt with you again", he says and crouches down to me.

"You can't tell me you didn't feel that", he says.

"I wasn't gonna say that", I say.

"Come on babe I need more than just a couple words from you", he says and my heart kinda fluttered when he called me babe again.

"Say it again, say it again", I thought.

"Tell me do you hate me?", he ask.

"Of course not", I say.

"than why did you break up with me?", he asks.

"Because I was a jealous mess", I say.

"And why didn't you tell me that me being with Aspen all the time didn't fancy you", he says.

"Because I was embarrassed, you tell me how would you feel if people send you pictures of your boyfriend with a girl who can't literally be a model! Of course I was embarrassed", I say.

"Embarrassed of what, you have giving me the feeling I've never had with anyone else", he says.

"But.. but, I don't compare to every girl who is all over you it was only seconds until you noticed another girl who was better than me", I say.

"You're right you don't compare to them", he says and it hurt, "you don't compare to them because you are better, sweeter, and more beautiful", he says.

"And I'm also embarrassed to have been a childish little brat and have hurt you like that", I say and he grabs my hands and helps me up while I'm still against the wall.

"Valeria we all are a bit childish sometimes don't be embarrassed", he starts getting closer to me.

"And you did hurt me but that just made me know how much I love you", he said it he said the L word. I was in shock did he just say.

"What did you say?", I ask.

"I love you Valeria, you are the woman I hope to marry, to be the mother of my children, and to grow old with", he says.

"I love you too", I say and he breaks the space between us.

I have kissed jack multiple times but this one just feels better. The kiss gets and bit more intense and I reach to his short and slip it off. His hand go under my shirt into my back I feel his cold hand on my back. We reaches up and when he is about to unclip my bra I stop him.

"I though I was ready but I'm not", I say he smiles.

"It's ok", he says and takes his hands out of my shirt and starts putting his shirt back on.

"No leave it off", I say.

"Was this your plan the whole time?", he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Maybe", I say and he laughs.

We both lay on the bed and I fell asleep in Jacks arms just how I like it no tears this time.

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