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xavier strolled into courtyard, acknowledging the shouts of his friends. william drummed against the table, earning a glare from a few around him.

"xanny, happy wednesday!" johannes exclaimed, earning a weird glance from xavier. johannes was a little too happy too early in the morning.

"er, good morning johannes." xavier wasn't exactly sure how to respond.

"where's your pretty little sister?" johannes didn't mean any harm with the question. but seeing xavier's face scrunch up, he regretted his words. instead of socking johannes in the jaw like xavier intended to do, he meekly replied with a short response.



"because johannes," xavier said aggressively, shooting daggers at the blondie. "she is not officially a student here. and if you would like to keep your arms on your body, i suggest you stop talking about my sister." he was completely serious about it too. johannes could hear it, anyone in a mile radius could hear how aggravated xavier was.

"nez says to chill." william looked up from his phone.

"i don't give a fu- nez? you have my sister's number?" xavier cocked an eyebrow up at william with a questioning glance.

"i sure do." william found joy in pissing his friend off. he didn't know why, but in his head, rubbing the fact that he had his sister's number seemed great at the time.

"why do you have my sister's number?" xavier questioned lowly, eyes narrowing.

"i have your sister's number because she gave it to me two days ago. when you registered her for school. remember dipshit?" william scoffed at xavier's attitude. "you can't really believe i'm trying to get at your sister right?"

"are you william magnusson? yeah, i do think you're trying to get at my sister. all of you are." xavier shot toward the rest of the penetrators around the table. the looked guilty.

"i think you're overthinking-"

"yeah, well, i think you're a du-"

"xavier anthony guzman dalila, you better not finish that sentence." nez's voice rang clear as day. xavier looked around, not sure where his sister was. "i'm right here, smart one."

xavier's eyes centered in on william's phone. her face was plastered on the screen. her face was bare, as it usually was, but she looked more tired, dark circles spotted under her eyes.

"nez?- why'd you call my sister?" xavier looked at william with accusing eyes.

"she called me." william defended.

"xavier, what's wrong?" nez's voice was soft, but grainy-sounding. she had just woken up.

"nothing's wrong." xavier mumbled, not even looking at william's screen.

"hi nez!" a boy she remembered as jafar, poked his head in by xavier's, waving his hand with a big smile. xavier shoved the boy away from him before taking william's phone in his hands.

"hi jafar," she replied with a small smile. her smile soon faded as she made eye contact with her brother. "xavier. what's wrong?"

xavier let out a deep exhale, standing up from the table. he began to walk away from the group. "i'm tired of the boys talking about you like you're another fuck."

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