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"christoffer," nez groaned, lifting his arm off of her. she shook him slightly. "school, come on." she grunted, leaning over the side of her bed, turning off her alarm.

once the cool air had hit chris' arms, he shivered. he gripped her hips, pulling her back against him, finding his warmth again. nez reached up to run her fingers through his hair, earning a muffled hum as he shoved his face in her neck, inhaling her refreshing scent.

"babe." nez grunted, trying to pull her body away from his. "we have school." she let out a soft squeak once he started pressing little kisses along the side of her neck.

"it's only six. stay in bed for another hour." chris pleaded as she curled up against him. "come on, i'm so warm."

"it takes me-"

"i know how long it takes you." chris whined as he began to play with her hair. "i'll help you get ready. i'll put your hair up and give you my shirt, you can tie it, flip it in to make it shorter. maybe find a skirt that makes the curve of your a-"

"christoffer," nez scolded, pinching his wrist. he only returned the pinch on her butt cheek, making her squeal and shove him. "be gentle." she said, flipping over on her other side to face him. "you're awfully cheeky this morning."

"i'm in a good mood." he pushed her hair away from her face.

"what happened to my chris?" nez joked, planting her hand on his cheek as she pretended to check his temperature.

"i've been your chris." chris cheekily responded. "i am your chris." nez blinked a few times, smiling on her lips.

"my chris," nez mumbled. she liked how that sounded. he didn't say anything in protest. he seemed to enjoy the sound of the words himself.

"we have to go shopping soon." chris said lowly. "for the fall ball. you still wanna go with me, right?"

"yeah, why wouldn't i?" nez asked as a matter of a fact. chris pursed his lips, shrugging.

"just making sure." he answered. chris swallowed the lump in his throat. "yesterday, you seemed a little upset with me."

"you checked a girl out while you were with me, yeah i'm gonna be upset."

"you're not still upset, are you?" chris was worried. he didn't think she should dwell on it. he hoped they both could move on from the situation. "because you are the only girl i see."

"no, i'm not upset. i gave you the opportunity to go hook up with her and you didn't." nez bit her lip while she smiled slightly.

"because i like you. a lot." chris found himself admitting. the words came out on its own. it was like a bar of soap in the bathtub, it was inevitable for it to slip. sure, he showed it, but it was another thing to actually admit it.

"exactly, so i'm not upset." nez took his word for it. she almost liked the way his confession sounded to her more than 'my chris'.

nez's phone buzzed once more, her 06:10 alarm going off. chris grabbed her phone for her, putting in his thumb print before turning off the six alarms that followed.

"i need to brush my teeth," nez groaned as chris stopped her from leaving. "chris, come on." she whined.

"your bed's so warm and the bathroom tiles are so cold," chris complained with a frown. "it's too early for this."

"it's never too early to makeout." nez said as her feet touched her wooden floor. she fixed the waistband of her shorts.

"well, when you say it like that," chris grinned, throwing her comforters off of him.

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