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"hey beautiful," chris greeted as he, william, xavier, and noora walked through the door. xavier rolled his eyes at the comment.

"hey," william answered, stealing nez's compliment. chris looked at him with a confused look, but it wasn't long until they were all laughing.

"xavier got mr. bradley terminated." noora told nez causing nez to furrow her eyebrows. "there's a video online of everything, him calling you out and making an inappropriate assumption. and you clapping back like a boss." noora smiled widely at the girl. "which by the way, was amazing."

"damn, that's crazy," nez ran her fingers through her hair. "his career's kind of eff'd. it'll look bad on him."

"who cares? his dumbass shouldn't have tried to embarrass you. he had it coming." xavier retorted with a shrug. "i should've fucked him up."

"i think making him jobless was good enough." noora defended. "yeah, he was being a dick, but there's no point in getting suspended over an unemployed man."

while they debated about it, a sleepy chris made his way toward nez. he completely threw himself over her, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep, ravishing in her scent. she reached up to play with his hair mumbling a soft, "hey baby."

"baby? that's a new one." chris murmured carelessly. he hummed in delight when she raked her fingers through his hair.

"what, you don't like it?"

"no, i like it. please call me baby more often." chris chuckled. it was a deeper laugh than usual, something she'd hear in the morning. "what are you working on?"

"stop," nez immediately pulled her hand away, using both hands to cover the screen of her laptop. "ever heard of privacy, christoffer?"

"my bad, i didn't know. i'll just sleep then." chris fake snored, leaning his head further onto her shoulder. he peeked one eye open, but while he had his eyes shut, she opened the photobooth program on her laptop to see when he'd open his eye. ding! lightbulb. "hey, let's take pictures." his hand swiped over the touch pad as he applied the heart filter.

as the heart filter scattered over their heads, they both made faces. they took a few photos before chris yawned.

"i'm going upstairs." chris said, which most likely meant he was going to sleep in her bed.

"sweet dreams baby." nez smiled at chris. perfect photo opportunity. chris pressed a kiss to her cheek before making his way upstairs.

when her eyes trailed away, she noticed her friends staring at her with smiles. xavier must've escaped to the kitchen. typical.


"nothing. are you asking chris to the fall ball?" william questioned the brown beauty.

"i guess you'll have to find out." nez shrugged causing the noora and william to groan. she pursed her lips in response as the two began whining in protest.

"come on nez, you can tell us. we won't tell!" william tried to bargain.

"she is," noora noticed the slight blush that bloomed on her cheeks. xavier returned to the living room, raising an eyebrow at the excited couple. he turned to his sister with a questioning look.

"i'm asking chris to the fall ball." she said in a low voice. xavier looked back at them and shook his head.

"you didn't know? i knew before she knew she was." xavier wasn't dumb. he knew she liked him long before. and while he had a hard time accepting it, he knew there wasn't much he could do.

"really? well damn, i didn't even know." noora commented. "how are you gonna ask?"

"that's for me to know," nez said, opening her laptop. "you'll find out eventually."

she glanced up for a slight second to find that the three were staring at her with longing expressions. nez reluctantly sighed, gesturing them over. the three scrambled to sit by her, squishing in beside her as they looked at her laptop screen.

{ — }

"so, you and chris?" xavier asked.

noora and william had fallen asleep on the couch while watching the office. xavier and nez had yet to fall asleep.

"what about chris and i?" nez didn't tear her gaze from the show.

"you like him." xavier stated. he wasn't asking her, he was telling her.

"mmmhm." she hummed.


"why is that good?" nez looked at xavier.

"i think he likes you too. which is out of the norm." nez nodded her head with a small smile.


"and i want you to know that i trust him. before i didn't, when you first met him. he was honest when he said he wanted to be your friend, but i feel like now it's more than a friend." xavier explained as nez nodded her head.

the more she thought about him, the more she smiled. the color pink graced her cheeks, adding more to the brown beauty's face. nez's heart fluttered and her stomach hurt with all the butterflies that swarmed around. she felt like she had a clichéd high school girl crush. he completely ruined her and yet she loved it.

"i'm going to my room." she spoke while standing up. her laptop was under her arm as she pranced up the stairs.

there she was met with chris' sleeping state. placing her laptop on her desk, she slid next to him, under the duvet. it was as if he could feel her presence because he curled up next to her.

nez could physically feel her heart racing, pounding like a drum against her ribcage with an upbeat rhythm. it was the way that chris played her body like an instrument that made her want to sing. to make beautiful music.

out of habit, nez began sifting her fingers through his hair once more. he looked so peaceful as it was. he relaxed even more under her delicate touch.

"missed you." chris' voice was small, she almost didn't notice he was awake.

"you missed me? i was just downstairs," nez replied looking at him with a questioning glance.

"yeah, but," chris huffed, pushing his face deeper into her shirt. "do you know how lonely this bed gets with just one person? and for me to breathe your smelly room without you here?" he pouted, causing nez to roll her eyes at the childish boy.

"how do you think i feel when you're not here? my room smells of you and your presence still lingers but you're nowhere to be found." her hand grazed over the soft skin in his cheek.

"i was kidding. but if that's really how you feel about me-" chris' hand stroked nez's cheek.

"shut up," she clicked her tongue, almost pulling away:

"make me." chris replied before she could look away. she only stared at him. her breath hitched slightly at the thought of him challenging her. he almost certainly was, but he didn't want her to know that.

nez narrowly dipped her head, holding her breath. she stopped when her thumb caught the bottom of his lip, letting it flick back against his teeth and she stared at his lips, her other hand running her fingers through his hair.

his hands were on her cheeks and he wanted nothing nore than to pop his thumb in her mouth, he was so close. he felt tempted when she looked at him through her lashes. her eyes glimmered with such purity, he actually adored it. he found it sweet.

she didn't realize how close she was to kissing him. nez would've kissed him if her thumb didn't play with his lip. so it was chris who moved forward and pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth.

it was a simple gesture. and yet how close he was made her insides tremble. she was where she needed to be.

4 july, 2018 - unedited

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