Chapter 7

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Beckett's P.O.V

"Emitt." I say approaching him as soon as he entered the school.

I didn't care who saw, I couldn't keep going on like this. I missed him so much and if he wouldn't answer my texts or calls then this was the only solution left.
He continues to walk in a fast pace not even acknowledging my presence, each step pushing the knife deeper into the hole I felt without him.

"Emitt!" I groan loudly grabbing his arm, he pulls away quickly as he stops and glares at me. His eyes burning holes into me as people around us go quiet at the little exchange. "Can you please talk to me?" I beg ignoring all the annoying spectators, I didn't care about them right now, I cared about him. He continues to glare at me when, for a split second, his hard front he'd been wearing for the past few days broke showing the pain I'd caused him before he walks away.

I let out a frustrated breath as I watch him leave not looking back liked I'd hoped he would. I lean against a locker, closing my eyes as I try to settle my disturbed body, it was like he'd reprogrammed me to function with only him and now that he was gone, I was lost.

The sad part was, I didn't even know Emitt that well yet my entire world had been flipped upside down since the first day I met him and now that he wasn't in it anymore I...I-I didn't know what to do.
I couldn't talk to my friends about it, even Isabel didn't how deep our relationship seemingly ran and Julian wasn't even an option. So I was left wallowing in my own regrets and despair.

It's been almost two weeks and I miss him so much, his sweet smiles he'd send to me, his cute laugh, the way he'd crinkle his nose when he'd laugh, the way his skin felt against my own....

I miss him...


I swirl my fork around my plate as I play with my food, I zone out of the conversation Isabel was having with herself as Julian groaned once or twice to appear interested.

I keep my eyes trained on Emitt who was seated next to Aiden, he was smiling but he wasn't really. His eyes catch mine making me heart stop as I sit up a little, they gloss over with pain before his eyebrows knit together as he frowns and looks away. Moving his body so he was no longer facing me, making me groan internally as Tobias whines a little.

"What's wrong?" Julian asks suddenly making my head shoot up, my eyes only landing on him, Isabel nowhere to be found.

"Where's Izzy?" I ask looking around.

"She left, a long time ago." Julian drags as he squints his eyes at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Why?" I ask barely meeting his eyes.

"Beckett." Julian calls, I raise my eyes to his slowly expecting to see boredom but surprisingly find him looking at me with clear concern. "I was going to leave you to get over this sad thing you're going through, but it's actually worrying."


"I know you won't tell me exactly what happened so summarize or something." He says leaning into his chair as he crosses his arms. "I'll leave it at whatever you say if you do, if you don't I'll start digging and you know I'll find out everything if I do." He warns making me sigh after a while as I decide to comply.

"There's someone, they're very special to me and I hurt them." I start, glancing shamelessly at where Emitt was only to find his chair empty. "I hurt them really badly and now they won't talk to me, and it's killing me. I can't think off anything else but then and I don't want to, I want to fix it."

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