Chapter 48

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Emitt's P.O.V

I sip my water slowly as I watch Beckett force himself not to clean the house. His parents would be showing up any minute now and it was physically hurting him not to prepare for them.

He was trying to show me that their opinions didn't matter to him, it was a sweet gesture given all that we'd been through but I never asked him to. I didn't care whether the place was clean or dirty or what these people thought about me or my Amelia, as far as I was concerned, they could kiss my ass.

It was meet the parents....part two and I was never fond of sequels.

They were a major component in the downfall of Beckett and I's bond and I didn't care how accepting they were now, I'd die before I trusted them.
Beckett cared about them and I'd respect that, but that didn't mean I had to respect them.

The knocking of the front door jolts Beckett to his feet, he tosses me a worried glance and I give him a supportive nod. I stayed in place with Amelia while he went to get them, I wouldn't greet people who once cursed people like me for being something I couldn't change.

I stand to my feet with Amelia on my hip so I wouldn't have to hug them if they tried to.

"You haven't been eating well have you. Beckett I told you to stop playing with deers." His mother says rambling on as she enters the room followed by Beckett and his father.

She pauses when her eyes land on me, she looked the exact same as the last time I saw her four years ago. His father as well, he seemed a little star struck as he stared at me and Amelia, sweat forming on his forehead.

"H-hello." He stutters as silence takes over while they stare at us. He looked nervous, as if it were the first time we were meeting, but it wasn't.

"Hi." I say flatly, mustering a pleasant smile somehow.

"It's nice to meet you." His mother says with a smile that looked friendly, but I knew better.

"We've met before." I say ignoring the look of panic that sunk Beckett's face.

"Yes we have." She says regretfully.

"We'd like to apologize for everything that we did. The pressure we placed on Beckett that made him hide his mate and himself." His father continues wholeheartedly.

"If we could change what we did, we would." His mother says almost desperately. I simply nod, knowing any words of mine would drive us into a deeper conversation I didn't want to have.

"Mom dad, this is Amelia." Beckett says joining my side as he takes Amelia in his arms.

Awe immediately floods their eyes as they approach her, I expected a sense of protection to take over but it didn't. I watched them feeling no sense of panic as they circled Beckett, looking at Amelia as if she was a trophy.

"Hi!" His mother says in a baby voice that Amelia clearly didn't like.

"Hi." Amelia replies just as flatly as I did.

That's definitely my child.

"Can I hold her?" His father asks stretching out her arms but she just shrinks back into Beckett.

"She's not good with strangers." I say making their attention float my way. It was partially true since she was very guarded, but it was also false as she trusted people she felt comfortable with immediately. Clearly they didn't make her feel comfortable.

"We're not strangers, we're your grandparents." His mother continues but those words didn't mean shit to Amelia so they were left with sad faces.

"Don't force it." Beckett says sternly leaving no room for discussion. No matter what he felt in respect to his parents, I knew Amelia always tromped it. He claimed I did too, but I guess actions would speak louder than words.

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