Chapter 43

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Play when told, I'll put song again at bottom for you lazy bums

Beckett's P.O.V

Emitt stares up at me expectantly. His big eyes dancing between my eyes that remained on his and my lips.
I was so close I could feel the hairs on his arms stand as he held his breath in anticipation. I studied every inch of his perfect body that I longed for before creating a space between us.

"In due time." I whisper watching his reaction, he let out the heavy breath before his eyebrows cross a bit as annoyance flashed though his eyes.

He still felt it....

"I want to take you out tomorrow." I say making his eyes widen at the gesture.

"W-what?" He stutters.

"Just to eat." I reply with a weak smile. "To catch up." 

"Catch up?" He questions with a bit of hesitation.

"We haven't had a chance to talk properly." I say as I take a closer step towards him, his ears reddening instantly. "Just the two of us."

"I guess....." He says rubbing the back of his neck shyly. "Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise." I whisper before tucking his stray hair behind his ear. My hand lingers there momentarily as I cup his cheek briefly, soaking in the warmth that rushed into my body at the contact.

"Okay." He says after gulping. He didn't make any move to push my hand away or show any signs of disliking it, he just stared at me, waiting for my next move.

"For now, lets get back to the movie." I say withdrawing my hand, he seems a bit disappointed by this but masks it quickly with a smile.

Just you wait....


"You have to behave Amelia." Emitt says sternly as he looks down at the innocent angel who was mischievous in her own right.

"I will." She says quickly as she smiles widely.

"You can't keep tripping Damon." He continues making me chuckle, Emitt looks at me disapprovingly along with Julian while Amelia giggles to herself.

"But he's evil." She groans making Damon gasp from afar as he stops playing with his hair to join the conversation.

"You're the devil!" He shouts making Amelia snarl as she runs at him but Julian swoops her up before she could claw at his son who was barking up his leg to get to her.

"They'll be fine." He says calmly as if they weren't trying to kill each other. "Have fun."

"We will." I say pushing Emitt towards the door, it was always so hard for him to leave her.

Amelia sends me a wink over Julian's shoulder as she whispers two kings before giving me a thumbs up. I smile at the gesture, sending an appreciative nod her way before leaving.
Emitt looked nervous the whole way down to the car, he kept rubbing his knuckles and chomping away at his nails.

"She's fine." I say reassuringly as we approach his car making his eyes dart up to me.

"Yeah, I know. Can't help but worry though." He says with a nervous chuckle. "But I guess I'll just have to relax." I nod approvingly as he tosses me the keys before we get in.

"So where are we going?" He tries again as I pull out of the parking lot. "Come on tell me." He whines when I don't reply. "Please." He stretches before resting his hand on my thigh.

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