Chapter 25

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Sadly my vacation has ended and I'm going back to school.😭😭
Updates will slow down again, I'm sorry.

Emitt's P.O.V

"What does it feel like?" I question looking at Beckett with eager eyes as he ran his hand through my hair as we laid tangled with each other on his sofa.


"The bond. Me being your mate? Is it different than before?" I question truly intrigued, I watch with envy as his eyes sparkle with excitement as he pulls me closer.

"It's so much better." He all but moans as he palms my cheek. "Just touching you makes me go crazy and your scent is stronger now, sweeter. Everything is sweeter. Every inch of you. I kind of know what you're feeling, even if you may not say it."

"That's because you can read my mind!" I say with a scowl that only makes him smile.

It'd only been a couple of days since we found out we were mates and we were slowly learning more about each other as a mated pair.

For one, unlike when Aiden and Julian became mates, we didn't have to be in the same room. It apparently was a rare trait amongst mates so I wasn't mad that it didn't develop between us, we were already bound by the hip. Another thing is that Beckett could read my mind through our link, of course I couldn't do the same yet because I was yet to mark him, it was a royal pain in my ass.

Beckett and I had no reason to hide our relationship but yet we still were, I was more than ecstatic to claim him as mine to everyone when it sunk in that he was my mate but he didn't seem so eager. He seemed scared, worried of others reactions and I in no way blamed him for it, I was scared too, about how Lucy in particular would see me now. So to buy us some time, I made up some bullshit excuse about waiting until my birthday, this way we'd be able to get our thoughts together on how we'd come out to our friends and family.

There were only two people who currently knew we were mates.

Mickey. Obviously.

And Beckett's Uncle Jack.
It wasn't a choice, he stumbled upon us on our tenth round on Beckett's birthday.


"F-faster Beckett!" I moan loudly as Beckett begins teasing me, grinding himself into me instead of thrusting himself into me like I wanted him to.

"Patience mate." He groaned in my ear, licking it slowly making me leak with need as I whimpered at the mention of the word mate. It turned me on more than anything he was doing to my body and he knew it.

"Hey Beckett!" The door swung open suddenly making us both freeze as Jack looked at us with wide eyes, my ass puckered in the air with Beckett buried into me to the hilt.
Jack closed the door as quickly as he opened it making both our erections lower as Beckett pulled out of me, throwing on his pants before running after his uncle. I wasn't mad at him, we hadn't talked about our family knowing yet so obviously he was probably freaking out. I didn't think I should follow incase he was reacting badly, so I just covered myself with the thin sheets before listening discreetly from my spot.

"Jack!" Beckett called desperately, I didn't know where they were in the house but it sounded like Jack was leaving. "Can we talk about this?"

"Sure, when I come back in three hours." He replies making me frown in confusion. "Is that enough time for you and your mate? Or do you need more? Damn, you young people amaze me, I was never that lively. I'll see you in five then, Emitt you wait too."

He left with that, while I gripped the sheets tightly wondering how on earth he knew I was listening. Beckett returned shortly after with a confused look on his face as he approached the bed after locking the door this time.

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