Chapter 31

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Emitt's P.O.V

Life has been good.
No that feels like an over simplification, the better description would be sensationally remarkable!

I still couldn't really believe it was my life. It was too good to be true. I had a loving friend group, a man who loved me and now I was house shopping with him, since our first joint didn't work out to well.

We moved into a nice ,old home in the center of the pack that we were going to spend break fixing up. Like a cheesy couple activity. But our neighboring wolves complained we were too loud. Psh! Like if their stupid kid wasn't screaming at three am in the fucking morning when I was trying to get laid.

Of course this was after my memorable ceremony a couple of weeks ago, after Beckett and I managed to get off one another. I went home to face my family's reaction to me being gay.

Lucy claimed she always knew since I was a kid and simply hugged me before punching me for keeping my mate a secret. She didn't even seem to care much that I was gay, she was just happy for me.
It made me feel dumb. Dumb that I'd worried so much when I had such an amazing sister who I should've known would love me no matter what.

Our parents on the other hand, not so accepting. Me coming out seemed to be the thing that pushed them over the edge, their masks fell off and they let everything out.

The things they said to me...... I hadn't been able to find the strength to repeat the words to Beckett yet. It just...they...

It doesn't matter now.

I was living with Beckett and his Uncle for the time being and so was Lucy who left our home quite happily with me. She was looking to find somewhere else more permanent but was happy with Jack's company for the time being.

So things worked out well in a sense and I was happy. I mean, it hurt that I couldn't see myself facing my parents again or get those words out of my head, but I was surrounded by people who truly loved me. All of me and that's all that mattered.

"Eek!" I squeak in surprise as someone grabs my shoulder before turning me, before my eyes can focus on their face, I find lips pressed to mine as I'm pressed into my open locker that I was cleaning. "Mhmmm!" I hum with a smile stretching across my lips as I slung my arms onto Beckett's shoulders, kissing him back happily as he grinded himself into me.

"Hey." He whispers once we part lips.

"Hi." I reply with a smile that wasn't fading any time soon.
This was what made my parents repulsion towards me seem irrelevant, the fact that we were openly gay now. Loving one another with no boundaries or worries, sharing our affection whenever we please because we'd hidden it for way too long to do anything else.

"How was your last day?" I ask as I play with the ends of his hair with my finger tips.

"Boring." He frowns lazily. "But it's okay because it's over now and that means..."

"You have me all to yourself." I finish for him making him crack a smile.

"Meet me in the parking lot?"

"Yeah, I'm almost done here." I reply eagerly, he kisses me again taking his time with me as our tongues danced together in perfect harmony. He grinds my into the locker, forgetting all those around us as we relished in each other's touch, something I'd never tire of.

"Okay. See you in a bit." He replies pulling away from my grasp leaving me a panting mess as he jogged down the hallway.

I somehow manage to gather myself and quickly start packing my bag of all the extra items in my locker that I'd need this Christmas break. I couldn't believe the school term ended so quickly but I guess time passes quickly when you have an amazing boyfriend who is bomb at sex.

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