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Julian's P.O.V

Nobody knew what happened between Emitt and Beckett.

One, because we couldn't find Emitt. He literally disappeared off the globe. We used our best trackers to search for him, most of the pack was searching from him but nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

So we spread out, looked throughout the country through pack relations and personally, still nothing. He knew how we worked as a Beta, he knew everything we'd do to try and find him, so out thinking him was challenging. When that failed, we went international. Just about every pack was keeping an eye out from Emitt and not one had seen my friend.

Nobody had.

The last I'd heard from him was that he was on his way to Beckett's old family home. Next thing I knew Beckett's parents called me and I found my best friend crying in a field. Clenching onto things that weren't there, crying with a heart wrenching sound.

That was half a year ago.

Now, less people looked for Emitt.
Less people still kept an eye out.
But that didn't include us.

Aiden left every single night to look for him, he'd come back at all sorts of hours after traveling different parts of the country. It was killing him but I couldn't stop him, I didn't want to, I looked when I could too.
Aiden took Emitt's disappearance in stages, he at first was sad and began the search immediately filled with hope but months had passed and without any signs of his best friend, he'd grown a bit rougher around the edges. He'd snap at me sometimes and once to Levi, I thought the boy would cry but he just hugged Aiden and told him that everything would be okay. He hugged him even when he broke down and began to cry on his son.

Mickey and the twins as well, they looked whenever they could. Mickey was a bit irrational without Emitt, he suffered horribly as the two always were especially close and the twins had a hard time keeping him at bay.

Everyone was desperate to find the person who seemed to hold us all together.

But he didn't want to be found.


Today marked the two year anniversary since Emitt left.

Nobody looked anymore.
Nobody but Beckett.

It broke Aiden.
He'd grown accustom in a sense to his friend's absence but I'd still find him crying sometimes as he stared at a photo of them. He'd still go out on an especially hard day to look for him and I don't think he'd ever stop.

I was scared. Emitt had become one of my best friend's in a short period of time and the loss of his bubbly personality hit me like a truck.
Life seemed duller, not nearly as bright as it once was.
But I was scared for him. He was out there all alone, a lone wolf with a child by now. He'd surely given birth and he was doing all that alone, with rogues, witches and especially evil packs out there.

It made me question if he even made it, or if he died a year ago and nobody knew.

And that scared me even more.

Beckett rarely speaks anymore.

In the beginning, he was truly destroyed. He'd lost weight, he always had tear stricken cheeks and he was never in the pack.
He searched for Emitt more than anyone naturally, he looked for him to the point where we'd bring him home after a month of searching nonstop because he'd pass out from exhaustion. But when he woke, he'd be right back out again.

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