Chapter 32

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Beckett's P.O.V

A frown forms on my lips when I stretch my hand out for Emitt but only find the sheets, blinking my eyes open, I peak over to see his side of the bed was indeed empty.

I throw on some pants before going downstairs where his scent was the strongest, I walk towards the living room rubbing my tired eyes knowing he'd be there his quiet sobs gave him away.

Walking into the room, I immediately head over to his curled up form to find him crying into himself like he had been doing a couple times for the past two weeks. I immediately walk over to him and pull him into my arms that he dives into happily.

"Sshhh!" I shush him as he sobbed into my chest, tears soaking into my skin as he continued to cry with a heart wrenching sound.

"He's not coming back." He says through his sobs.

"Yes he will, it's only been two weeks Emitt." I say holding him tight. "He'll come back."

"How did this all happen?" He cries looking at me for answers I didn't have.

"I don't know baby, Julian isn't talking to anyone." I say making him frown as his eyes fill with something dark.

"I'll make him talk." He says in a low growl before pulling himself from my grasp and heading outside our house with violent steps towards the pack house.

It'd been three weeks since we moved into our new house and two since Aiden left Julian. It was a shock to everyone, especially Emitt, he didn't believe it when they first told us the news. He didn't believe it when we went searching for Julian who was looking desperately for his mate, he didn't believe until Julian was found a week later crying his heart out and locked himself into their suite after with no communication to anyone else.

I don't think he really even believed it now. He kept saying how Aiden would never leave Julian, the pack, him. It hurt him too much for it not to hurt me, the lost of his best friend was taking a toll on him.

I followed after him knowing this was going to be unsuccessful, Julian locked the elevator doors for their suite so there was no way in yet Emitt stood determined.

"Let's go home." I say behind him calmly as he tries to wrench the doors open with his hands, he'd get it eventually if I left him but I rather him not damaged the new thing.

"No." He growls as he exits the pack house and looks around the large building.

"The only way in there is through the elevator or the window and unless you're going to g-"
I'm cut off by the sound of glass breaking from the large rock Emitt threw at the window of the suite on the top floor.

"Emitt!" I call as he starts climbing the wall with determination fueling him higher and higher. I groan as I start to do the same knowing he wasn't stopping until he talked to Julian.

Once inside my heart squeezes at the dead atmosphere that filled the once lively suite. The sunlight was the only source of life and there wasn't a single sound to be heard in the entire suite.

"Aiden! Is that you?!" Julian's hoarse voice fills the abandoned apartment as he stumbles into our eye sight.

It broke my heart to see my friend like this. They were heavy, dark bags under his eyes and his skin was seeping into his bones, he looked paler than ever before with dull lifeless eyes I wasn't accustomed too. There was a twinkle of light in them but it faded away when his eyes landed on us.

"What do you want?" He drains with disappointment as he looks at us, he wasn't upset at our presence, he was sad. Sad that we weren't who he wanted to see, that we weren't his mate.

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