Chapter 12

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Emitt's P.O.V

Male mates.

Two male mates. Two Alpha Mates. What on earth will happen to our packs?

My mind is a scrambled mess as I try to  wrap my head around what just happened. It remains a mess even as Beckett walks me back to the rest of the pack members, even when we renter the hall. I look at Aiden when I sit down where I was before the big revelation, he was siting next to Julian and both their faces were stole cold. Emotionless and rigid. No sign of interaction between the two, like if they weren't mates. I couldn't even begin to imagine what happened when we all left. But I knew he wasn't happy.

It broke my heart really. Aiden had been my best friend for as long as I could remember and I vowed to myself to be by his side even before I found out I'd be his beta. I was determined to help him through it all and I did. Even when he came back from his trip and was no longer the Aiden I knew, I still was there for him because no matter what version of himself he was. He was still my Aiden. My best friend. I thought that I just had to make sure he'd make it to his eighteenth birthday and he'd be fine, that his mate would take it from there and I wouldn't have to worry about him being alone because he'd have his mate. I didn't know his mate would be Julian. The guy he despised more than anyone else on this entire planet.

I couldn't even focus on my own ceremony, I don't think anyone could anyway. As I became beta my mind wasn't filled with joy, it was filled with worry on what was to come for my friend. He cheered me on yet I could see the pain behind his dark shades, he was screaming joyfully for me but yet I couldn't help but feel as if he was holding back tears.

The ceremony comes to an end eventually but nobody really cared about who was the new beta or selsa or an elder now, we all cared about our alphas, both of them. Before I could even approach Aiden, he was rushed out the door with Julian by their fathers while their mothers did damage control on the crowd. Encouraging us to enjoy the planned celebrations, somehow they managed to convince people and soon we were all making our way to the woods that were beautifully decorated. Something I'd been working on for months but couldn't even enjoy properly. My eyes scan for Beckett but I only catch a quick glimpse of him being led away by his parents I assume, he mouths a sorry to me but I didn't get what he had to be sorry for.

"What a shit show." Isabel says propping down in the seat besides me as I watch people dance and talk while snacking a bit. "I was not expecting that."

"Me neither." Mickey says sliding into the seat besides her making her frown at his presence, probably because the two didn't know each other.

"Can you believe it two men? Mates!" She exclaims making Mickey and I watch each other nervously, we have always feared how people would react when they found out about us, but what about Aiden. How would people react to him? "Isn't it glorious?!"

"Huh?" Both Mickey and I say at the same time as we stare at her in disbelief and shock.

"I never dreamed that it would happen but the Moon Goddess has finally adhered to my wishes." She says smiling up at the sky even though the sun was out not the moon. "It's amazing really."

"You don't have a problem with it?" Mickey questions cautiously with a raised eyebrows.

"Besides the fact that the other guy is Aiden, of course not. I love it in fact." She says with enthusiasm that makes me smile to myself, I wish people would react this way to me one day. "I wonder what they're talking about right now."

"Probably the packs." I whisper as I glance across at where they were. "What do you think will happen to us? No Luna?"

"Import one, I don't know." Isabel says sarcastically. "I'm in the same boat as every one of you, we'll just have to wait and see."

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