Chapter 8

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Emitt's P.O.V

"Hey." I say as Beckett opens his front door, my hands behind my back as I seesaw on my toes. He smirks so beautifully as his arm stretches across the doorframe, his v-neck shirt fitting him perfectly.

"Hi..." He drags as his eyes scan me over like I did him, I wasn't a fan of black clothes but I wasn't at the stage of wearing pink around him, around anyone for that matter, so that's what I was wearing. A black shirt with black jeans. Boring. "Well are you going to come in?"

I smile before walking into the house, he shuts the door behind me but I don't look back as I search the house a little.

"Who's home today?" I question with obvious excitement as I feel him gaining on me a bit.

"It's just us." He replies lowly making me smile widely as I turn around quickly before jumping into his arms.
My lips immediately find his as he hums in delight making me smile against him, his hands grip my ass firmly making me moan slightly as my member pulses with need. He bites my lip telling me exactly what he wanted, I open my mouth letting him immediately explore my mouth thoroughly. He pulls back only to press light kisses all over my face making me giggle as he walks us to his room, my arms wrapped around his neck loosely with my legs around his waist. He lies me down before crawling on top of me making my heart race as I look up at him, I swear to Goddess just the sight of him made me drip.

"You're late." Beckett whispers as he continues to press kisses down my neck, making me arch my back as I claw at his broad back a little.

"It's hard to sneak out of my pack and into yours." I groan as I slide my leg against his while he sucks on my collarbone slightly making me moan loudly. "I could a-always go through the checkpoint."

"It'll get suspicious." He mumbles as he makes his way up my jaw. "We're running out of excuses, sneaking in is the last option." He says pressing a final kiss to the tip of my nose.

"But wh-"

"Emitt." He drags as he sits up a little so he could see me directly. "We've talked about this."

"I know, but we could spend more time together if I didn't have to use a whole roundabout method to get in here." I reply pouting a little as he runs his fingers through my hair, his eyes still on me.

"It's the best solution." He says bring my hand up before kissing my knuckles. "Don't be mad."

"I'm not." I say truthfully, "I'm just happy to spend time with you."
His eyes glow slightly as he kisses me aggressively, I kiss him back happily as he presses his lips against mine harshly making every fiber in my body come to life.

"I'll go get some snacks, wait here." He says when we part before rushing out the room. I smile to myself as I flop down onto the large mattress that smelt of Beckett completely, an intoxicating mixture of cinnamon and white roses.

Beckett and I have been like this for about two weeks now and it's been the best two weeks of my entire life. Agreeing to keep this a secret, we've been meeting each other whenever we can away from the eyes of everyone we knew, except Mickey of course. I still couldn't believe Beckett liked me, at least I think he does, why else would you make out with another guy. I was too scared of asking and destroying everything and way too chicken to even think about confessing to him, so we continued this routine of shared affection that made my insides swirl.

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