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When Chris and Tobias met for the first time in four years..........

Christopher's P.O.V

Blinking my eyes repeatedly, I let myself adjust to the blinding influx of light that seemed to burn my retinas.
Groaning my discomfort, I calm myself enough for my eyes to open eventually.

Sweeping them over the woods that seemed foreign now but were once imprinted into me like my own fingerprints. A once blurred figure clears as my eyes come to recognize the person who beheld the body.

The person I cried for every night.
The person who's gentle touches I missed more than anything in this world.
The one who loved me like no one else dared to.

My mate.
My love

My Tobias.

I run to him, ignoring how my legs crumbles below me, I just got up and pushed myself on. I hadn't been in human form in years, my body felt brittle and broken, like I'd forgotten how to use it.

The closer I got to him, the more he blurred as my eyes filled with tears that flew out of my eyes, as I rushed towards him with a heavy chest that caged my raging heart.

The wind is knocked straight out of me when I jump into his arms, collapsing as my body takes off with electric shocks that I missed too much.
I whined into him as my body slightly rejected his touch, it stinging due to the loss of the bond. I ignore it though. The pleasure of his arms wrapped around me drowned out the pain.

I sob into him as I squeeze fists full of fabric that was wrapped around his back. My eyes shut tightly as I inhaled him deeply, a scent I tried to hang onto with everything I had. He cries into me as well, emotions drowning us both, neither of us daring to pull apart. Desperate for one another and the parts of us that had been rejected for too long.

He sinks to his knees, my body still wrapped around him as he sat on his heels. Our bodies shaking with the tearful cries that poured out of us, joyful to feel one another once again.

He pulls my head back after time but I refuse to open my eyes. Too afraid to open them and find him nothing but a dream. For him to fade away like he'd done one too many times in my dreams.

For this to all be my imagination.
For me to not feel him like this again.

"Open your eyes." He says sniffing a bit making my heart speed up at the familiarity of his deep, raspy tone that sent me mad with joy. "Let me see you baby."

My eyes immediately pop open though reluctantly, I suck in a shaky breath when my eyes land on his perfect face. Tears ran down his hard cheek bones, cascading down his sharp jaw that my fingers traced nervously. His once sparkling, green eyes now a few shades darker than I'd remembered but it still held it's shimmer.

I smash my lips to his without thinking, a sob escaping me as the lighting between us ran through our bodies. He cries into my lips as well, as his hands find their way to my hair, his slides his fingers into my curls easily as he holds me close. We both inhale deeply as our scents mix like they once did.
Groaning into each other, we move our lips desperately as we try to claim one another forever. My entire body seizes as we kiss one another roughly, our lips moving out of sync with zero rhythm but we keep going.

We pull back only when our lips are too swollen to continue and breathing through our noses proved to be too difficult.
We press our foreheads against each other's as we pant heavily to grasp onto as much air as we possibly could.

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