Chapter 17

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Emitt's P.O.V

I flick my eyes up to peep a glance at Beckett only to find him already watching me. I immediately redirect my line of vision to the bowl of Lucky Charms before me, only the charms left since I ate all the wheat bits first.

I chew my food quietly as Beckett does his own. The tension in the room far too thick for even a butcher knife to cut through. It was uncomfortable. No it was disturbing. Disturbing to my body, mind and soul. We hadn't made up properly since our talk last night which was not really a talk, more like an emotional plane crash of feelings piloted by your's truly.

I ended up sleeping over unintentionally, waking up tucked safely under Beckett's arms who was cuddling me closely. It surprised me to find myself in that position but it was even more astonishing that Chris got into such a intimate place with Tobias.
Wolves liked to keep their times together private so I had no way of knowing what happened between the two and he refused to answer any questions saying that I was a nosey poop head who should focus on my own relationship before budding into others even though technically it was my relationship too.

The morning was awkward from then. Beckett was the first too talk but I wasn't quite ready yet to just hug and make up. It wouldn't be that simple. I realized that I too was at fault, I knew I was very self conscious of our relationship and my mind allowed doubt to lace my thoughts at the first sight of trouble and in the end I made things into something so big when it was probably so small.
But I couldn't help it.

So we continued the morning in silence, leading us here.
Eating Lucky Charms on opposite ends of a large dinning hall table.

"Well isn't this quaint."
I look up to see Beckett's uncle strolling into the house lazily, since our first encounter I haven't said much but a hi or bye when he was entering and leaving his home.

"Good morning." Beckett drags lazily, both of us a bit tired from the run around our wolves had the night before. Goddess only knows what Olympic race they ran in the forest.

"Doesn't really look like a good morning to me." Jack mumbles as he sips his coffee, his eyes darting between the two of us. "What happened?"

"None of your business." Beckett says to his uncle who just smiles in response.

"Ooo, it's serious." He says with mischief swirling in his olive green eyes. "Beckett, what did you do to your friend?"

"Why do you assume it was me?!" Beckett says immediately in protest.

"Cause you're naturally a fuck up." His uncle says sweetly making me chuckle as Beckett pouts. "It's okay, you're nice so you can get away with it."

"Not this time." He mumbles, his eyes linking with mine as he looks at me with regret.

"Alright, well make sure to head to school today. I got a call that you skipped yesterday." His uncle says seriously before walking away. "Toodles."

The unwelcomed stiff atmosphere renters the room with a vengeance as we stare at one another.

"Emitt, I don't know what else I can do to get you to forgive me." Beckett says softly as he leans over the table slightly.

"It's not a matter of forgiving, I've already done that." I say truthfully making his eyes widen slightly.

"Then what is it?" He questions.

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