Chapter 14

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Enjoy my favorite humans.

Emitt's P.O.V

I sigh as my call to Beckett goes straight to voicemail. He told me he'd call me but he never did, not for his entire trip. Never did he call or even text me and when I tried to reach him he never picked up.

To say I was worried would be an understatement, something was wrong, he'd always managed to text me at least once a day but I haven't heard from him in a week.

A whole fucking week!

His parents returned from the meeting three days later like they were supposed to except Beckett wasn't with them. I didn't understand why. He promised he'd be back in three days, three days that were painful on their own, especially with not being able to talk to him. But those days had passed and he never came home, I was too creeped out by his parents to even ask of his whereabouts. So I asked Isabel but she was in the dark like I was. Leaving only Julian.

Julian hated me. He hadn't said it to my face or even implied it but I could see it in his eyes. Hatred. I had absolutely no idea why, but I wasn't one for confrontation so I ignored it to the best of my abilities. I liked talking with people, being social, Julian seemed to like complete solitude making him my polar opposite but he was my last option.

I make my way up the stairs of the pack house, standing outside the Alpha Suite with growing nerves. I call Beckett one more time hoping he'd answer but it went straight to voicemail yet again. I sigh with a weakening heart before I knock on the large black doors, I hear some scuffling and laughter before the door swings open revealing a smiling Julian.

Holy fuck.

I don't think I've ever seen Julian smile, not like this anyway. His straight, pearly white teeth were in view as his golden locks cascaded down his shoulders. He looked angelic. Hot. He had this appearance of innocence that no doubt probably drove Aiden mad with lust.
However the smile immediately disappears as his eyes focus on me, being replaced with an annoyed flat glare as he crossed his arms.

"What do you want?" He growls making me gulp nervously, I should've stayed home.

"Who is it?!" Aiden calls from inside making his eyes brighten a little and his expression soften, no doubt because of his mate's voice.

"Emitt." Julian replies smoothly as he moves away from the door to let me in as Aiden rushes into the room. He smiles brightly at me as Julian walks towards him before cautiously tucking himself into Aiden's chest who carefully rests his arm around Julian's shoulder.

Alright, that's fucking cute - Chris says awing in my head as we look at the adjusting pair of mates.

"What can I help you with?" He asks with a warming smile as his shades rests comfortably on his nose.

"I actually came to talk to Julian." I say slowly making the couple's eyes widen in surprise.

"Why?" Julian says in clear annoyance that makes Aiden frown as he mumbles something to Julian who just rolls his eyes.

"It's about Beckett."
The mention of his friend makes him alert as he studies me carefully.

"He was supposed to come back days ago but he's not here. Can you tell me why?" I ask nervously as he continues to analyze me.

"Why do you want to know?" He asks with squinted eyes.

"Because we have to plan stuff together, both of us being betas now, and him bailing is messing shit up." I say lying through my teeth.
The real reason is because my boyfriend went Houdini on my ass and I'm already a nervous wreck when he's here so when he's not, it gets ugly.

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