Chapter 1

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"Beck, mah man!"

The tan teen bumped Andre's fist, smiling a bit.

"Hey Andre, how's it going?"

The dark-skinned boy groaned slightly, showing just how exactly it was going.

"I think ya know. Finals, dude. Even in the coolest high school of LA, they still suck," Andre complained, leading the way to their usual table, with Beck following him.

"Ugh, don't even start," the attractive boy replied, shaking his head. "And to make things worse, Mr. Harrison gave us new material right before the finals week. I just don't get it!"

"Harrison... Writing, right?"

"Yeah, screenplays for movies and TV," Beck grumbled, plopping down on the bench. "We only just began studying TV tropes, and that's a freaking huge topic! And I don't even get like half of it."

"Tropes?" Andre asked, confused.

"Yeah, you know, the usual ways of where the script goes and how the character develops," Beck replied, letting out a small breath. "We covered only some of them today. I mean, it's really interesting, but shouldn't we have done it at the beginning of the semester?"

"I feel ya, man," the musician said sympathetically, bumping Beck's shoulder slightly. "Now tell me about that trope thing, are they any good?" he wiggled his eyebrows at the Canadian for a good measure.

"You're about to ask something perverted, aren't you," the tan teen deadpanned. Andre just shrugged his shoulders, not showing any guilt over the way his teenage mind worked. Beck drew in a breath, remembering the material he just studied.

"Actually..." he began, brows furrowed in concentration, "there was a moment when we got to the Belligerent Sexual Tension. Which, coincidentally, is the thing I didn't understand."

"Oh, tell me, tell me," Andre jumped slightly in his seat, grinning. Beck just rolled his eyes at his friend's antics. The hormones completely controlled the dark-skinned musician who already was ladies' man even before that.

"Not much to tell. Well, you know in TV there is usually a pair of characters who seem to hate each other, but all the fans wish they got together anyway? No, wait, that's not the right description. Um... Well, let's see, usually there is a sweet girl, and a tough guy with the whole tall-dark-handsome thing, and they are constantly at each other's throats, but you just know they so want each other. That's Belligerent Sexual Tension," Beck finished, his face showing that he still doubted he got that right.

"Like... Damon and Elena?" Andre inquired, and Beck groaned.

"Exactly, although I still can't get over the fact that you watch that girly drama."

"It's not girly, it's hardcore and bloody and awesome!" Andre exclaimed, defending his TV shows choice for the thousandth time and renewing a two-year-long debate.

"Game of Thrones is hardcore and bloody, Vampire Diaries is girly," Beck commented calmly.

"Are you harassing Andre again? How many times do I have to tell you to cut it out," a pleasantly raspy voice mockingly chastised him, and Beck turned his head slightly, smiling at the newcomer.

Tori beamed back, showing off her famous smile and sitting next to a sulking Andre.

"So," she began, raising her eyebrow. "What's wrong with The Vampire Diaries?"

"Let me see. Besides the plot holes, dull characters and bad acting? No, that's cake," Beck teased back, smirking. They were doing this routine for a while now, with their group split into two: those who adored Vampire Diaries, and those who hated it. To be honest, it was more him and Jade against everyone else, but while he just teased the others, mainly boys, for watching the show, Jade was rather vicious about it.

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