Chapter 14

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Jade: so he was cool with it, that's good to know. for a moment there I thought I had only 20 seconds left to live

I giggled as I read her reply.

Jade: nice wording you chose, by the way. is that really what you think of our first time together? me forcing you?

Me: of course not! I'm so sorry for that

Me: I was just pissed off, and me and anger don't mix, like, at all

Jade: oh I got to experience that firsthand, so I'm very aware

Me: well you deserved it. and I'm still contemplating withholding sex

As she took her time to answer, I held my breath. Was that too 'couple-y' of me to do? Did I scare her off?

Of course you did, you moron, so what if you withhold sex, she can get it from pretty much anyone else!

My phone beeped, distracting me from my self-bashing.

Jade: you're not serious, are you? Vega, c'mon, I think I suffered enough, with your father almost tearing me a new one

Jade: I said I'm sorry, and I mean it

Jade: Tori?

I giggled yet again. She was so eager and scared and completely adorable.

It's been two days since the whole coming out fiasco, and I've gathered enough courage to text Jade a neutral 'hey, so I'm alive' thirty minutes ago.

Well, I could've texted her earlier if it wasn't for Dad taking away my cellphone for the weekend. At least he let me post an update informing everyone I was grounded and not murdered somewhere in the desert.

So, it's Sunday evening, I haven't been able to communicate with anyone in any form for two days, and I texted Jade as soon as Dad left the house for patrol.

We've been texting through the Slap ever since, and butterflies in my stomach are about to start a riot judging by the way they flutter aggressively.

Jade: Tori, if that's your way of punishing me, it's working

Jade: I don't mean withholding, although that's also a bad, bad idea

Me: hey, sorry, zoned out for a bit

Jade: VEGA.

Me: aww, is the Big Bad Jadelyn scared she won't get any?

Jade: you're playing with fire, I hope you know that

Me: why would I play with fire if there are a lot more fascinating things to play with...

Oh, wow. Um.

Am I wandering into that foreign, dangerous, infamous territory that goes by the name 'sexting'?

Her reply steered us in that direction even more.

Jade: Hmmm... if you're talking about yourself, I could get on board with that...

We're sexting. We're sexting. This is not a drill.

Okay, Tori, be cool and not a freaked out idiot you tend to be. Come up with a sophisticated teasing reply.

Me: that's good to know

I think I deserve some slow clapping here.

Jade: and what else would you like to know?...

What is the reply to that?!

Oh, I think I got something.

Me: What are you wearing?

Jade: Oh my God Vega. You're really terrible at that, aren't you :)

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