Chapter 7

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The day could not be any longer.

I was absolutely right. It dragged by so slowly, a snail would be a muscle car compared to it.

The only thing that could've made it better ultimately ended up destroying it.

Okay, I'm being dramatic, but I have my reasons.

You're probably wondering what I'm talking about.

Vega. Of course Vega, who else?

The little minx was being a giant tease all day, always just out of my reach, dancing around with her damn glances and smirks and cheekbones.

And the lip. Did I mention the lip? I sure did to her, and now she's abusing the heck out of it.

By the end of the day, I had a little algorithm worked out. I call it 'Vega's flirting scheme'.

First, she casts me a look. It starts out innocent and fleeting, like she just caught me in her wandering gaze, and I could totally buy it if not for one thing. Her smirk. After a second of eye contact, her lips slowly stretch in a lopsided smirk, and as soon as it's there, she raises her eyebrow ever so slightly. Then those damn soulful eyes start twinkling suggestively, and she proceeds to give me a discreet once-over.

And then... Yep, you got it. Then she slowly bites her lower lip, and as her face displays raw lust, my expression mirrors hers.

She also looked particularly ravishing. I'd even say good enough to eat. The white material of the dress made her tan skin stand out even more, and the length made those impossibly long legs go on forever. Add her usual wavy hair and big doe eyes...

She didn't even dress to look sexy or provocative or seductive. She just looked so... Tori. Cute and sexy in a romantic sort of way, with an air of goodness around her.

There's something about goodness that is just asking to be corrupted, don't you think?

But every time I tried to approach her, she found some ridiculous made-up excuse to get away from me. But not without flirting like hell.

Man, Vega knows how to flirt. And I'm not talking 'whipping you hair' stuff. That's for amateurs. No, she went all out today. All the right touches, all the right glances, pauses when needed... She should have a class called 'Flirt and Seduction 101'.

However, while her class would be 101, I would be teaching it at PhD level. I gave it as good as I got and more, and I could swear I saw her lose her resolve a couple of times.

I have weapons of my own. D-cup sized.

Alright, the day wasn't all that bad. But at the end of it I was wiped. The lack of sleep piled up on the stress of the day, and flirting contest with Vega drained me of that little amount of energy I had left.

So when I got home, I barely managed to change into my sleeping attire before I collapsed on my bed and passed out.

Which apparently was a huge mistake, because I woke up to find myself blindfolded and handcuffed to the headboard.

"What the fuck?!" I exclaimed, tugging on the restraints. No use. Handcuffs were metal, so I wasn't getting out of them by myself. "Who the fuck did this?! Let me go, or you're in for a shitload of hell, fucker!"

There were light footsteps approaching my bed, and then a deep giggle could be heard on my left.

...Holy shit, Vega.

"My, my, Jadelyn," a breathy voice stated near my ear, the lips brushing it slightly. "What a mouth you got. And to think I was about to kiss it..."

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