Chapter 15

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This is sooooo short. I'm a dishonor. Can't do anything about that, lately my mind wanders into angst territory, and I promised myself this fic will stay angst-free and humor-filled, so updates are not as regular. Promise to make up for this embarassement by a hella long chapter next week! (Which most probably will be the last one, and after that lots and lots of smutty epilogues if you catch my drift ;)

Please review!

I am not a morning person. Someone who chugs down gallons of coffee cannot be considered a morning person by a definition.

But I could definitely get used to waking up all tangled up with Vega. Too bad I now have to kill her for the poorly concealed giggling and poking my side with her abnormally bony finger.

"Wakey, Jadey... Hey, that rhymed!"

"You know what else rhymes? 'Your future' and 'murder'," I grumbled, catching her hand and trapping it between our bodies.

"No it doesn't," she stubbornly insisted. "C'mon, Dad will be home soon."

"Aw, you know just the right things to say to get the girl going, Vega," I purred, somehow managing to pry my eyes open in a demonstration of inhuman will. "And out of sheer curiosity, do you do crack on a regular basis? It's impossible to be this perky in the morning."

"I'm naturally like that, Grumpy Pants," she rebuffed, suddenly straddling me and knocking the breath out of my lungs. "And you'll be happy to know that I had your best interests at heart when I risked my life waking you up."

"Really? How so?"

"Well, I could've let you sleep for another..." She cast a quick glance at her alarm clock. "...thirty minutes, but - don't give me that look, hear me out – but I assumed you'd like to take to certain... activities before you sneak out," she finished, looking adorably smug.

Ugh, my limit on the usage of the word 'adorable' has been officially exceeded. The limit was zero, if anyone's interested.

Vega squeaked in surprise as I tackled her down, pinning her to the bed as I snugly settled my body between her legs.

"Unbelievably arrogant of you, Vega," I cooed, holding her hands over her head in a tight grip. "Assuming I'd pick sex with you over my precious sleep."

"I meant breakfast," she whispered, leaning up, her gaze falling on my lips.

"Good thinking, then. I think I already found my dessert..."

Her mouth fell open as I softly grinded into her.

"Can we start making out, or is there more innuendo-filled banter coming my way?"

"Someone's coming, alright," I laughed, finally bringing my lips down to hers.

I'll never tire of kissing Tori. She's my crack, meth, heroine and every other drug known to a man, and I am hooked and addicted and ready to happily overdose.

"Now that's a good morning," she stated breathlessly with a crooked smile as we broke away.

"It's about to get better, baby."

Whatever Vega was planning to say was long forgotten as my hand traced her already wet heat, eliciting sweet gasps from her.

"Oh God..."


"Ah, Jade..."


I fell from the bed as Tori shoot up straight, face frozen in horror as she fumbled to get the blanket around her naked form.

"This is who you've been screwing?!"

"Holy fuck," I breathed, snatching a pillow and covering my most important assets while Trina Vega stood in the doorway, looking shocked out of her mind.

"Jade West is the guy?!"

Ouch, my ear.

"Trina!" Vega finally managed to get her vocal chords to cooperate, and now both of my ears are bleeding. "This... I... Why the hell don't you ever knock?!"

"What were you doing to my sister, you freak?!" Vega, I mean the annoying one, charged at me, actually scary for once. Thank God for Tori's quick reflexes, because I kinda don't wanna know what would've happened if Trina reached me.

"Nothing she didn't want me to do!" I exclaimed, irritated. "Why's everyone assuming I'm forcing her? Am I wearing my 'I'm that rapist' t-shirt?"

"That's the kinda thing you would do because you're pure evil," Trina hissed overdramatically, struggling in Tori's grasp.

"Treen, c'mon," Vega tried calmingly. "Let's just all sit and talk- Jade, for God's sakes, throw on some pants."

I sheepishly grinned, grabbing another pillow and shielding my crotch as well. What, you thought I'd let Trina get a glimpse at the girls? The only Vega with access to them is the cute one.

"She's gotta leave," Trina stated tersely. "You're obviously under some sort of spell or whatever it is evil witches do, and I'm gonna talk some sense into you," she sneered, all the while keeping her gaze trained on me.

I had to forcefully remind myself not to knock the girl out for Tori's sake.


"I'm not talking until she leaves." In all seriousness, the older Vega looked genuinely distressed at finding us out, and I felt dread stir up in the pit of my stomach. Her self-involved tendencies aside, Trina was family to the girl I loved, and the way she was currently handling the news didn't infuse any confidence in my relationship with Tori.

Speaking of Tori. Doe-like eyes pleadingly gazed into mine, and I sighed, defeated.

"I'll leave. It's alright," I said reassuringly to Vega, warily eyeing her older sister. "I'll just put these on and ,uh, be on my way."

Heavy silence surrounded the room when I emerged from the bathroom after getting dressed, with sisters looking anywhere but at each other.

"I'm just gonna... yeah," I spoke up uncomfortably, pointing at the door.

Trina pointedly ignored me. What a fine start to an awesome day. I sighed and turned, ready to depart when a delicate hand stopped me, and then warm lips pressed against mine as rich husky whisper uttered an apology.

I smiled into Tori's soft kiss, rubbing her arms to try and bring her some comfort.

"It's okay. I get it," a quick glance in Trina's direction informed me that the girl was ready to unleash her inner Kraken. "Think I better duck out before the Hulk over there makes an appearance."

Tori softly giggled.

"I'll see you at school."

I stole another quick kiss instead of answering and hurried to scadoodle out of there.

The day looked hell of a lot better now.

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