Chapter 4

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I had sex with Tori.

I, Jade West, being completely mentally healthy and absolutely sober, had scalding hot sex with Tori Vega.

Well, I might have gone temporarily mad because my brain was fried and then melted due to Tori's nakedness.

The girl has a body of a goddess, I swear. With her breasts that are small but so firm and delicious, and her toned slim figure, and the tiny waist and her ass, oh holy crap her ass.

Getting off track again, Jade!

I still can't wrap my head around it.

It was over all too soon. Probably because we were so excited over the fact that it was finally happening.

I don't even understand where the hell did I get the balls to kiss her in the first place.

I didn't even think when it happened. All I remember is the towel hitting the floor and leaving Tori nude. I remember my eyes trailing over her smooth skin, up her impossibly long legs, to her shaved womanhood, over her flat stomach... I practically devoured her with my eyes, and the time stood still, much like Tori herself.

And then she said something.

Now, don't let anyone know I told you that, but for me, the biggest turn on is not big muscles and firm asses. I am turned on by a person's scent and voice.

Yeah. And I can't even begin to tell you how many times I ruined my underwear listening to Vega sing.

That's part of the reason I bashed her performances so much.

Because she's so amazing she makes me wet simply by talking.


So she spoke up, saying something about not expecting to see me, and I lost it. All it took was for my eyes to reach her face, and there she stood, flushed from embarrassment, stammering nervously, and yet doing nothing to cover herself.

Next thing I know, we're making out like crazy on her couch.

Temporary insanity. See, I told you.

And then I took her right on the couch. The one where our gang usually gathers when we come over. The one where her mother eats her cereal in the morning. The one where the pillow her Grandma made for her lays.

I could go on for hours just so you understand how wildly inappropriate it was for us to have sex on this couch.

And the cherry on top of this piece of cake? The door was unlocked the entire time.

It would've been a wonderful family bonding experience for her Dad to walk in and watch his daughter being corrupted on their family coach. And by another chick, might I add.

It's all Tori's fault. She makes my brain go haywire with lust.

But it gets worse.

Because after I made her a very happy girl and also helped myself along the way, I decided to completely freak and run away.

That's what I do. It's my thing. Running away as soon as there's a possibility of something good happening to me.

Fucking Vega. She just had to ruin a perfectly unattached animalistic act of lust with her soft gaze and gentle touches and feelings.

I don't need feelings. I don't need this to get all heavy and meaningful, and I especially don't need this with Vega.

She's better than this. I'm darker than this.

Our bodies may be made for each other, but that's as far as I'm letting this go.

I just need to remember this when I walk into the school in about two minutes and face her.

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