Chapter 11

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Not sure about this one, but I wanted to update so I woudn't leave you guys hanging.

And OH MY GOD thank you all sooooo much for following, favoriting, and for the fabulous reviews you left me! I can't believe this story reached 160+ reviews! You are all AWESOME and I'm in love with every and each one of you. Yep, I said it. My secret's out.

Enjoy your read, and please leave a review telling me what you think!

At least there was no cheese fountain around this time.

Although after Cat told me just what happened there, I can't say I would've minded if Trisha was covered in hot cheese.

The girl mocked and ridiculed Cat while Robbie wasn't near, and she manipulated Cat into dumping the punch on her right when the boy in question came back.

What a bitch. How can someone do this to sweet Cat?

Oh right, I sprayed her with hot cheese in front of the whole school.

Um, nevermind then.

This evening was a mess.

"A complete and utter disaster," I said to myself as I entered the living room, rehearsing British accent I needed to have ready for Acting Techniques class by the next week. I pretty much sucked at it, by the way. 'Harry Potter' and Klaus weren't helping much.

Well, Klaus helped a little with his inexplicably hot 'diabolical vampire' image.

Man, Jade would make one sexy vampire. I'd pay to see her as one. God, I'd even write the script and shoot the movie myself.

I smirked, remembering the thought and filing it away under 'Role-play Ideas for Tori and Jade: #27'.

My phone beeped, signaling a new text from someone, and I grabbed in from the couch before landing on the cushions ungracefully.

Beck: Did you talk? Where are you?

I giggled. It was so unlike Beck to be excited and noisy. In a way, it was endearing.

Plus it was great that I finally had someone to talk to, even if that someone was the ex-boyfriend of the girl I fell in love with.

Wow, 'One Tree Hill' got nothing on us with all the drama.

I thought for a moment before replying.

Me: No, we didn't cause I had to take Cat home. Btw did Robbie say anything? I'm at home.

Beck answered in a matter of seconds, and I began to chuckle at his eagerness before reading the text and scowling angrily.

Beck: I thought u guys talked and got in a fight cause I just saw Jade leave w/Mellissa! I texted u cause I couldn't find u, thought u ran smwhr not safe.

I growled. Mellissa.

Who the hell is she anyway? I haven't even seen that girl around, and now she strolls in and snatches Jade right under my nose!

And Jade. Don't get me started on Jade. I thought we had a moment! With the dancing, and whispers, and compliments...

You look stunning, if it isn't obvious.

Was that all a lie? Was she doing it just so our little tryst could go on, and when she got horny with me being gone, she just grabbed the next warm body to fuck?

I barely noticed the phone vibrate with another text through my anger-clouded brain.

Beck: Tori, I know what u'r thinking right now, stop it and talk to Jade. U gotta deal with everything.

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