Chapter 6

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"I carefully analyzed my further actions as she watched me through alert eyes. That was the toughest decision I've yet to make. The easy one, the wise one would be to make her forget, and that was the one I wanted to choose. The look in her eyes, one of utter horror, was slicing through my dead heart like a knife.

But it was never that simple, was it? The girl in front of me, the trembling, terrified creature, the human, deserved to know the truth about those deaths. Taking into account they occurred in the name of her safety, that was the least she could do – know about the truth behind it.

I slowly rose to my feet, deliberately lifting my hand to wipe the blood off of my chin. She flinched at that, her eyes growing even more round with fear.

"W-What are you?" She asked me shakily, trying hard to stop the quiver in her shoulders.

I simply couldn't bear with the expression on her face. For the first time in my life, the fear I injected in someone's heart didn't bring me joy.

I felt devastated to be the reason of her dread, because I couldn't stand to be the one to hurt the girl I loved.

"I beg you, just give me a chance to explain," I pleaded, approaching her at a snail-like pace. "I won't hurt you. I promise. I would never hurt you, Tori."


That's not the name of this character at all!

And just when exactly did the ruthless fantasy fiction story turn into a love novel?

What the hell. Seriously. What the hell is happening to me.

For the love of God, I can't remember what actually the name of the character was. All I know is Tori, Tori, Tori, Tori.


I scowled angrily as I shut the laptop with an extreme force, throwing it on the bed beside me and letting out a huge sigh.

The clock ticked away, displaying that it was six in the morning, and I flipped it off.

After I got back home from Vega's (by the way – Oh. My. God.), I stayed up all night suddenly pouring out everything I had into songs, scripts and stories.

So far, I've finished three of my songs, added several scenes to the play I've worked on the whole semester – which were brilliant if I do say so myself, and finally got back to writing the story I had in mind for what felt like ages.

And somehow, all of them turn out to be as mushy as the day is long.

All because Tori Vega keeps popping up in my head.

She's there, wrapping her legs around me and whimpering in my ear.

She's there devouring me with a lust-filled gaze as she bounces on my strap-on.

She's there as she comes, arching her back and letting out a deep moan, mixing in my name.

She's there, draped over me and softly snuggling into my side as...



That's a dangerous territory. The forbidden thoughts.

You see, the dirty ones are okay. Just like I said to her last night. We're adults, and adults are perfectly capable of having fun without all the teenage drama mixed into it.

It's alright to fantasize about her gorgeous body and the perfect tightness of her core and the noises she makes when she climaxes and...

You catch my drift.

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