Chapter 5

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And I'm officially the school slut.

Okay, maybe not a slut in a pure sense, since the number of my partners still accounts to two, Jade included, but... I mean, sex in a janitor's closet? It doesn't get any sluttier than this.

At least the sex was good.

Mind-blowing, more like it.

After our awkward 'past-lovers' chat, Jade proceeded to take me hard and fast against the door, and let me tell you, the occasional contact with the doorknob was totally worth it.

Wow, I even sound like a slut now.

Another argument that leads to the logical conclusion of me being a huge slut? Jade and I aren't even dating.


Of course, I didn't expect a proposal when I walked into the school the next day after our couch endeavor, but I wouldn't mind a little acknowledgement. Which did not happen.

Apparently Jade was all for forgetting and moving on, and no matter how much it hurt, I was willing to do the same.

I mean, Jade and I? Wouldn't work at all. We can't even stay decent human beings when we are in the same room. What kind of a relationship can come from that?

Not a healthy one, that's for sure.

With all those thoughts in my head, I was ready to let it go and go back to the way things were, but you know what?

It's not that easy to let go of Jade after you had a little taste of what it's like.

I ended up craving her touch like you wouldn't believe. I lusted after her for two periods, when finally at lunch I just couldn't take it anymore.

Neither could she. I could tell by the way she kept stealing those looks at me, and by the way our bickering got like ten times worse.

Even the gang noticed. So much for hiding everything from them.

Long story short, I dragged her in the closet with full intention of screaming at her for being such a gank.

And scream I did, for entirely different reasons. There were three of them, and they were attached to Jade's hand as she buried them deep inside me.

Think I just made myself blush. And wet.

I've had more dirty thoughts in 24 hours than in my lifetime. All courtesy of Jade West.

I just don't get it. According to this Belligerent Sexual Tension thing, we should have gotten it out of our system, right? We finally got that forbidden fruit, we should've lost all interest in each other by now.

Except we didn't. It actually got worse! I want her every minute I breathe, and yes I am aware of how corny it sounded.

It's like we opened gates to the ocean and now we can't stop it. Sometimes, for example, at lunch, I felt like if I didn't have her, I would burst into flames. And the fighting only fuels it!

I'm a sick, sick, twisted person. So is Jade, but we already knew that.

And so currently I am torn between thinking that having sex (twice) was a horrible idea, and aching for more.

I don't know what the heck I was thinking back in the closet. It was practically a repeat of last night's performance, except our roles were reversed, and I was being the jumper while Jade was the jumpee.

But her lips are so irresistible...

Um. Anyway.

That wasn't what I wanted to happen. I wanted to talk, to find out where we stand, and maybe give her some space to sort her thoughts out.

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