Chapter 13

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I'm over my angsty phase, by the way.

And your reviews are just beautiful. Can't express how awesome I felt reading those. You put a humongous smile on my face, just so you know. Can all of you be my Valentines please? Okay? Thank you.

Enjoy your read, and please review!

Did you know that it's nearly impossible to drive while there are tears clouding your vision?

Well, here's a testimonial from me. It's nearly fucking impossible to drive while you're crying your heart out.

I have no idea how I managed to get to school in one piece. On the bright side, I made it just in time.

Not so bright side – I don't even remember what I wrote on that goddamn paper. So much fuss for nothing.

I feel too numb to care anyway.

As soon as the bell rang, I hightailed it out of the building, going straight home. Another confrontation with Jade isn't something I particularly desired, and that was bound to happen if I stayed and met her at lunch.

I guess while I was getting all lovey-dovey with Jade, I overlooked the fact that she was an incredibly selfish manipulative human being who didn't care for anyone but herself.

Yeah, right,

Of course I knew she was all those things. I just hoped that she wouldn't be like that with me.

I thought I was special. Never have I had my dreams crushed so brutally.

Turns out I'm just like Beck to her. No, not even like Beck – with him, she at least made an effort. Me? Nope, why bother, I'm just dumb little Tori, another one of her sluts lining up to get in her bed.

I know, I know. I'm being harsh. In all fairness, the disaster happened because she cared a bit too much. About herself, that is.

Well, it's not like I can demand something from her, is it? We're not dating, I'm not her girlfriend, and she doesn't owe me anything.

I sighed and forcefully pushed the door open, strolling inside the house and then jumping a foot in the air, letting out a horrified scream.

"I hope you like Italian food," Jade smirked at me from behind the counter as she stirred something on the stove.

"Jade, what the hell!" I grasped at my chest to try and calm my racing heart. "What are you- where did that- How did you even get in?!"

"For a cop, your father sure has the weakest locks installed," she shrugged as if breaking and entering was the most natural thing in the world. Well, apparently it was for her. "So. I hope you like Italian food."

I took a deep breath, still in shock at seeing her so suddenly. Is she for real? First she ruins my day, then breaks into my house and then makes herself completely at home, casually asking me if I liked Italian?

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I do, especially pasta with cheese and stuff – what the hell do you think you're doing here?!" I screeched, fuming with anger.

"Whoa there," she blinked at my outburst, looking far too amused for someone who was about to get her face slapped. "Chill, Tori."

"You're telling me to chill after what you did today?!" I exclaimed, gesturing wildly. "Do you know I drove to school half-fucking-blind – I made it on time, by the way, thanks for asking – I drove almost blindingly because I cried so hard?! Do you know how selfish you were being this morning?! Do you ever stop and think about the consequences before you act on your own needs, or is it just like the time you fucked me right here, just because you decided I wanted it?!"

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