Chapter 2

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This day couldn't get any worse.

Just like any other day, because ever since Tori fucking Vega joined Hollywood Arts, my life had been sheer living hell.

She was everywhere lately. Invading my space, my classes, my time with my friends, and my thoughts.

I always think about the ways to hurt her. I hate this girl so much I can't stop thinking about her, isn't it just peachy?

Damn Vega.

And she grew some balls, too. Senior year had been good for her, I guess, and new gutsy Tori was constantly on my case, not afraid of me anymore.

I was up for some challenge since it was getting dull around here anyways. And boy, was she a challenge.

From day one, she was terrified of me, and that didn't stop her from being the only one who could pass as my equal.

Sure, I say a lot of things about the girl, but let's face it: she's extremely talented. She's kind, and she's funny, and all in all a decent competitor.

Not to mention she was hot as hell.

Ah shit. Here I go again.

You see, for the past few months or so, between annoying me and making me mad, Vega also managed to get me pretty hot and bothered over her tight lithe body.

There, I admit it. Ya happy now, Dr. Rosenberg? No more denying my feelings or whatever it was you ranted about on our weekly sessions.

Yeah, I have a shrink. Not the point right now.

The bigger issue here is Vega and my sudden desire to pin her to the wall and fuck her until she sees stars.

Whoa there. I know I admit wanting her, but that might be taking it too far. It's not like I'll ever act on it.

She still annoys the living heck out of me, you know. With her perfect smile and perfect little life and perfect... well, everything. I hate this type of girls. Trying to please everyone around them, living up to ridiculous expectations. Little Miss Sunshine, a poster girl for self-righteousness. Ugh.

Except she's not that innocent. The girl has a mean vicious streak, and her wild side shows itself once in a while. I mean, attacking Cat of all people? Even I am not that ruthless. I see her, the real her, hiding under this perfect façade. I see her in her arched eyebrows as she studies Robbie after he embarrasses himself once again. I see her in her cold stare as some asshole tries to approach her at the school. I see her in her angry scowl as she glares at me.

She's got that glare reserved special for Jade, and I kinda like that.

See, I'm demented. But so is she.

And as she went in for the kill, hitting me in the most vulnerable place there is, reminding me once again that it was her who got all the best parts at the school plays lately, I was proven right.

Tori Vega was a sick, twisted bitch, and I liked it that way.

Apparently, so did Beck, since I just caught him staring at her with his mouth hanged open.

"See something you like, Beckett?" I asked sweetly, raising a pierced eyebrow. He looked back at me, the same slightly shocked look on his face.

"What's it for you? He can stare all he wants," Vega shot at me.

"I don't give a flying fuck if he has a hard-on for you," I spit at her, getting angry again. She just knew what buttons to push.

I wondered if she knew what buttons to push in bed...

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