Chapter 8

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There was an arm draped around my waist, holding me close to someone's heaving chest. That someone was pressed against my body, tickling my backside with neatly trimmed hair and radiating heat, keeping me warm and comfortable.

I felt smile take over my lips as I stretched carefully without opening my eyes yet, turning around and snuggling further into the embrace.

Wow, someone is very naked. And so am I.

My eyes slowly opened with some difficulty, and I was greeted by a sleeping Jade, which turned out to be the most adorable sight ever.

Her hair was wild, scattered on the pillow, startling black against the light grey of the material. She was entirely relaxed, her face looking young without all the defenses and walls she put up during the day. The absence of make-up made for vulnerability rarely seen on her face. She looked like Snow White with her pale, porcelain-like skin, dark thick eyelashes and red lips.

I placed my palm on her cheek, slowly, so as not to wake her up. The contrast we made was fascinating; my naturally tan skin against her pale one, like ice and fire mixed together. My finger traced the outline of her plump lips, feather-like, because I didn't want to lose this moment, not yet. Right now, I had her completely open, and I could stare at her for as long as I wanted, without any complicated feelings and mixed signals.

Her eyelashes fluttered slightly, and I was quick to remove my hand from her, afraid she'll wake up and freak out.

Actually, she was probably going to freak out anyway. I spent the night. We snuggled and were about to wake up together. That was not giving her space at all.

I think I should go take a shower and let her wake up on her own terms. And with my heavy make-up still on my face, I desperately need it anyway. I feel kinda gross with mascara smudged all over.

I carefully slipped out of her arms, smiling when she hugged my pillow and took a big sniff. God, she was so cute. She'd probably kill me if she knew I witnessed that, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

Jade's personal bathroom was freaking huge, with a shower stall of latest invention and a separate bathtub. I briefly contemplated relaxing in a tub, but that wouldn't be right. Not now, anyway. So, I entered the stall and, after a bit of a struggle with the shower heads, set the needed water temperature and pressure, letting out a tiny moan at the feeling.

As I began lathering up with shower gel, I was hit with Jade's scent, and I couldn't help but smirk as I recalled last night's events. Well I guess now we know who's the adventurous one, don't' we?

And now we also know that I get off of the power I have over someone.

Submissive Jade? Holy crap on a cracker, was that ever a turn on. I practically creamed my thighs at the sight of her shackled to the headboard, so defenseless and sightless and completely at my mercy.

I had so much fun torturing her with my touch. That got really intense. I tried to remember everything about her, all the sweet spots, all the touches that made her squirm and moan, the expressions she made at things I did.

I won fair and square, you know. I was surprised she held out for so long, but when I finally got to that little bundle of nerves, she couldn't keep silent any longer.

And boy, was I glad she lost. I was absolutely right about her tongue. And lips. And, at some point, teeth.

All in all, that was the best thing anyone ever done to me. There was a couple of boys who tried, and I didn't like it at all. But Jade... Amazing.

And I absolutely loved her payback at the end.

She started out slow but deep, and the position she took me in was enough for me to lose my mind. There was something about being on all fours for her, letting her fuck me with abandon, that was so very arousing to me.

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