Chapter 17

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We all wondered what our favourite couple has been up to, haven't we.

The first in a series of one-shots based on Jori from this story (hey that totally rhymed). Please review!:)

A Year Later.

"Le baguette, beret, omelette du fromage."

I snickered behind my hand.

"I'm sorry, baby, but you're still not speaking French."

"Whatever, French is stupid anyway," Jade grumbled at me from a computer screen, her image getting blurrier from my crappy dorm wi-fi.

"And now not only you just rolled every slightly racist stereotype about French people in one sentence, you also called them outright inadequate."

"Stupid, Vega, the word is 'stupid', much like you're being right now."

"Oh really?" I raised a challenging eyebrow at that, secretly enjoying her little smirk. "That's how you want to start a conversation with your girlfriend? By calling her stupid?"

"First of all – our conversation started twenty minutes ago. Second of all, I'm not calling you stupid. I just think that defending French is stupid."

"What did they ever do to you?" I asked, amused, as my disgruntled and absolutely adorable girlfriend let out a dramatic exasperated sigh through her nose.

"Maybe you are a little slow," she gruffly stated. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Well maybe I just want to hear you say it."

She rolled her eyes – at least I think she did, the connection was slowly becoming unbearable.

"Jadey..." I drawled teasingly, making her mumble something incoherently under her breath before she looked straight into the camera, sighing again, her gaze becoming softer. And a lot sadder.

"They took you away from me," she quietly said, biting her lip. "And I don't like it when you're not here. With me, I mean."

"Jade..." I let out gently, tracing her face with my finger. If only I was able to feel her skin and not this stupid computer screen. "I wish I was there with you, too," my teeth gnawed at my lower lip as I struggled not to break down in front of her. "I'd give anything to have you here with me, but we gotta be patient, okay? Only a month of the semester left, and this stupid exchange will be over." I scooted even closer to the laptop, curling under the covers on my bed. "And I'll be all yours for as long as you want."

"You said that five months ago," she pointed out. "Look where it got us." Despite her smartass tone, I could detect a hint of that genuine shy smile I loved so much. I smiled back, blinding her with my usual wide grin she claimed to hate a year ago and couldn't get enough of now.

Boy, things sure could change in a year.

"Not that I'm not happy you got into the program," she quickly added, her brows furrowed in a cute concerned frown. "You made the right decision when you went with it. I'm totally on board, just like at the start of the semester. Supportive all the way."

"Jade, the first week I was gone you got drunk and started a bar fight," I reminded her calmly, fighting to keep giggles hidden from her.

"Oh please," she rolled her gorgeous icy blues again. Her phone camera shook lightly as she began walking somewhere, all the while skyping with me. "You're exaggerating. It was just a couple of punches thrown between some dudes, I wasn't even involved. Just sat there sipping my diet Coke, waiting for the police like a good citizen I am."


"Sure, uh-huh," I started, my tone eerie calm. "A couple of corrections, if I may – you were gulping shots of scotch with no soda involved whatsoever, and speaking about being involved – it was you who threw the first punch after the bartender cut you off."

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