Chapter 16

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I sighed dreamily as I watched Jade exit, my fingers feeling the ghost of her lips on mine.

Trina's loud throat clearing was more than enough to snap me out of my daze and kill whatever mood I had left.

"Tori," my sister began angrily. "Please tell me it's a one-night stand or experimenting or whatever, because if you tell me you're dating this gank, I might punch something."

"It's... really complicated," I winced, coming to sit on the bed. "But I can't say it was just a one night stand. I'm sorry," I offered at the look of pure distress on her face.

"Tori, I swear to God," she groaned, plopping beside me. "There are so many beautiful, smart, and mentally stable girls at school, and you just had to go after the crazy one. And," she raised her voice, shutting me up as I went to say something, "this is also the girl that tried to ruin your life multiple times, more often than not putting you in danger! Have you forgotten how she drained you of blood?"

I wince again, this time at her screech. I hope I don't sound like that.

"Look, I know how this looks, but it's-"

"Are you dating?"

Why does everyone feel the need to ask that?

"Well... not at the moment," I reply sheepishly.

"So you're fuck buddies?"

"Must you be so crude?"

"Answer the question," Trina growled.

"We're more than that!" I burst, getting agitated as well. "She told me she loved me!"

My sister just scoffed.

"She obviously wants something from you," she stated confidently. "Can't you see she's just using you for whatever it is her sick mind came up with?"

I scowled at her angrily. I scowled at Trina because she was laying out in the open all my insecurities I tried to bury these several weeks.

"So what, you're saying I'm unlovable? Everyone always has an agenda when it comes to me?" I jumped to my feet, clutching the blanket around me tightly.

Trina quickly backpedaled, realizing just what she said to me.

"No, that's not what I meant, but- Tori, it's Jade we're talking about," she tried softly. "Calling her 'Satan' would be offensive to Satan."

"Oh, no, c'mon, we both know what you meant," I said loudly, dumping the blanket and furiously tugging on the first clothes I could find. "Say it. I can't be loved, right? I can only be used. Ryder used me for a grade, Danny used me to piss of his racist father, and Steven-" words stuck in my throat, but I continue anyway. "And Steven wanted his first virgin. And they all got what they wanted. Why date me for me, right?!"

I didn't realize there were tears running down my cheeks until Trina tried to pull me in a hug, begging for me not to cry.

"Tori, you know I didn't mean that..."

"But you said it," I reply shakily, forcefully wiping at my cheeks. "You said it."

"I'm sorry," Trina said in an uncharacteristically small voice, looking at me sympathetically. I don't need her pity. I'm not being used this time.


She loves me.

She said that in the middle of an orgasm.

"Shut up!" I screamed out loud, clutching my temples.

"But... I didn't say anything," Trina confusedly stated.

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