Chapter 10

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I laughingly protested as Jade landed us on the bed, with her on top, creating a heap of tangled naked bodies.

"That's what you get for teasing me all day," she grumbled against my neck, leaving occasional bites in-between words. "Again," a pointed look thrown my way made me grin slyly.

"Don't pretend you don't like being teased, Jadelyn," I purred, leaning up to tug at her lower lip, releasing it with a 'pop'. "Besides, I thought you already got your revenge, on that drawer, and against that door, and on the floor..."

She shut me up with her mouth, and I smirked into the kiss, lowering the hand that was pointing at all the places where we've had sex in the past two hours.

"What time is it?" I asked breathlessly as her lips slowly explored my neck.

"Dunno, don't care," came the mumbled reply.

"Jade," I pushed at her shoulders lightly, giggling at the disgruntled expression on her face. "Cat should be here any minute now."

"I assume you're not up for a threesome? Ouch, Vega, what the hell!"

I glared at her as she rubbed her arm where I pinched her.

"You suck sometimes, you know that?"

"Yup, and we both know I'm good at it," she winked. I rolled my eyes and pushed her to the side, sitting on the corner on the bed and wrapping a sheet around my naked body.

"And you're hiding all this from me because?..."

"Because you're an ass," I stated simply, getting up and walking to my drawer to pick up new clothes.

An arm wrapped around my waist and a warm body pressed against my back tried to prevent me from doing so.

"You know I didn't mean that. I mean, it's Cat, for fuck's sakes," a cool breath on my ear made me shiver involuntary, and Jade pulled me even close, raining tiny kisses along my shoulder.

"But if that was someone else?" The words slid out of my mouth before I could catch them.

I was turned around, coming face-to-face with her, watching her devour me with hungry eyes.

"You know I don't share," she whispered before pulling me into a kiss, unhurriedly moving her lips against my own.

My mind raced with thoughts as I responded to her slow kiss. Yes, she doesn't share, I knew that much. But did she mean that in a 'I-m-jealous-because-I-love-you' way, or was it 'I-don't-want-anyone-playing-with-my-toy'?

Stupid Masquerade Ball. Now I have to wait till tomorrow to come clean about my feelings.

Meanwhile Jade backed me up against a drawer, and I gasped as she flicked a tongue along the roof of my mouth. The sheet slowly slid down my body, and her hands followed it, lazily drawing circles as they moved.

She was playing me like an instrument, tuning me and making me release sweet sounds, creating an intoxicating symphony of sensuality.

"Jade..." Her name fell from my lips for a thousandth time today as she cupped my breast gently, caressing it at a leisure pace, watching me intently.

"God, Tori, you have no idea what you do to me, do you?" She let out a breathless whisper, leaning into me and pecking my lips, my jaw, my neck, teasing me thoroughly and stirring up now familiar feelings I welcomed.

"Ditto," I murmured, scraping my nails on her back softly as I reciprocated the tiny kisses, tasting the slightly salty skin of her neck and inhaling her incredible scent. My leg caressed her thigh as it slipped up to entwine her waist, seemingly having a mind of its own, and I moaned at the contact my pussy made with her pelvis.

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