Chapter 12

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The first thing I woke up to is Vega.

The first thought I woke up with is the abovementioned one, and it hasn't left my head for the last twenty minutes.

I mean, she's... here.

Whoa, Shakespeare, dial it down a notch.

I let my eyes trail over her sleeping form, taking in her pure beauty. She had an absolute mess of a bed hair, her slight drool marked my favorite pillowcase, and still she made my heart stop when I looked at her.

She stirred lightly and rolled over to face me, landing right on my chest and hugging me like one would a teddy bear.

"Mmm..." God, she's sexy even when she sleeps. She's not even trying to seduce me and here I am, all revved up and ready to go.

I think we need help. Fuck, we've been going at it for less than a week, but with the amount of sex we've been having, feels like it's been a month. Maybe more.

But oh look, she just stretched and arched her back and suddenly I think we should fuck a lot more often.


We are never leaving this bed.

Sleepy unfocused eyes struggled to find my face as she slowly came back to the land of living, her hold on me tightening.


"Mhm," was Tori's reply as she let out a tiny yawn, curling up into a ball. "...Morning."

"Didn't get enough sleep, did you?"

"And whose fault is that?" She replied cheekily, gazing up at me with an adorable expression of innocence on her face.

"You're the one who decided to go all berserk on me last night because you were jealous," I drawled out the last word, smirking.

"I wasn't- you know what, it's too early for me to deal with this," Tori huffed. "....what time is it, again?"

I shrugged. Between waking up to the beautiful sight of a sleeping Vega and being astonished at the fact that she was in my arms, I kinda didn't have the opportunity to check the time.

"It's..." I rolled over to glance at the alarm clock. "Ah shit, we're probably gonna be late for the first period. Might as well not go if you kno-" I was interrupted by Vega shooting up straight in bed, frantically scrambling to get ready.

"Shit, shit, shit! Why didn't we hear the alarm?!" I watched, entertained, as she stumbled over her own shoes while tugging on the jeans.

"I don't know, we must've slept through it- why the hell are you so fired up?"

"Because I have a final today, the first period!" She exclaimed, finally managing to put on the pants and now struggling with the shirt.

"But the finals aren't for another week," I calmly stated, making no move to get up.

"Yeah, but Mrs. Harris has to leave due to emergency, so the test was moved, and now I am so late," she muttered.

Fucking unbelievable.

It's like someone up there doesn't want us to talk, like, ever.

"Vega, listen... Vega... Tori!" She stopped at my outburst. "We wanted to talk," I added, calmer.

"Jade, I know, but I have an exam in ten minutes," she said, exasperated. "We can do it later, okay?"

"So exam is more important than this, then?" I don't know why I was doing this, I really don't. It's childish and selfish , and yet I don't stop, instead choosing to press on. "Is that it?"

"What-no, Jade, you're twisting my words and I don't think I like it," she fired back.

"I'm just stating the facts. We're not important, I get it," what the fuck are you doing?! Shut up right now!

Tori's eyes flickered with hurt before anger replaced them.

"Is that an ultimatum?" She gritted through her teeth, staring me down.

"Oh no, no, how can it be an ultimatum when I was never a choice to begin with?"

Where the hell did that come from?!

She gasped at that, searching my eyes for something and seemingly not finding it.

"You know what," Tori found her voice after a beat of silence. "You were a choice, you were the choice, but I don't think I'm entitled to call the shots anymore." With that, she stormed past me, slamming my bedroom door on her way out.

"Hey, you don't get to slam my door!" I shouted, following her out. Damn, Vega's fast when she wants to be, I barely made it out the door, and she was already walking up to her car. I grabbed a long coat and wrapped myself in it, going after her.

"That's how you wanna deal? Run?"

"No, Jade, what I want to do is to go take that damn exam because half of my next fucking semester depends on it!" She exclaimed. Angry tears spilled down her cheeks, further showing me just how unfair I was being to her.

It's your chance. Apologize. Drive her there. Kiss away her tears and tell her how you feel about her.

"Fuck this." The words fell from my mouth without me noticing.

She nodded, as if having her thoughts confirmed, and got in the car, speeding from my driveway, leaving me to stand there, barefoot and basically naked.

How the hell did we get here?

And did she...? Holy crap. Did she say I was 'the' choice?

I really fucked up big time now.

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