Chapter 18

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Hey look I'm alive.

Sorry for not updating as regularly as I used to, guys :( Oh and by the way, let me wish you Happy Nauryz! It's Kazakh New Year, a very old holiday which is a national one in our country. It celebrates the spring equinox which means the start of spring and life for Kazakhs. So, Happy Nauryz, or, as we say, "Nauryz kutty bolsyn"!

Note that these one-shots are not in chronological order, so don't get confused :) This chapter brings us back to high school times.

It comes with a soundtrack! "Don't Stop Believing" - Glee Cast version :) The start is indicated in the text, as usual.

Please review!

Two months before HA Graduation.

"I said I'm okay!"

The growl I used to indicate I was okay said otherwise. I don't really fucking care.

But Vega cares too much. Most of the time, that's one of the many reasons I'm so in love with her, but right now, it's getting on my nerves.

"Jade, it's alright if you're upset," she tried gently again, those damn soulful eyes gazing at me with sympathy I didn't need. "I would be upset, too."

"So what if I didn't make it?" I scoffed, gulping my soda. "Broadway is old news. And that was just a minor part in a stupid ass second rate musical for, what, one summer month? I'm better off without this role."

I'm lying, and we both know it. That was huge for me. Any kid at school with a decent voice would kill for the opportunity. I got the audition. Not the part.

And it sucks.

"Baby, look at me," Vega, the ever-supportive girlfriend, said softly as she cautiously placed a hand on my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes, turning further away from her so she wouldn't see traitorous tears prickling at the corners of my eyes.


"Just drop it, Vega," I snapped. The regret washed over me instantly as she tried to mask the hurt, but when I was on a roll, I was unstoppable. So I continued. "If anything, you should be happy."

"..W-What?" She looked astonished at my words.

"Well, now that there's an opening, since I didn't make it, you could try out, and I'm more than certain you'll get it. Your voice is richer anyway," I bitterly replied. The tears stopped as familiar anger ran through my being. Mostly, it was at myself. "Come on, Vega. Let's be real. If you see the opportunity, you take it." Shut up, don't say what you're about to say, don't- "After all, you did so a handful of times at school. All the leads are yours. Go on, take this one from me, too."

You fucking idiot.

Tori looked like I slapped her. I could have, as well; and still it wouldn't have hurt as much as what I've just said.

"You really think so low of me?" She whispered, sounding so broken.

"Oh God, Tori, I'm – I didn't mean it," I shook my head, realization of how badly I just screwed up hitting me full force. "I'm so sorry, I just.. .This is messing me up, and-"

"I have to go," she interrupted me, shooting to her feet, her trembling voice betraying her unshed tears.

"No, Tori, please, don't go," I begged. "I'm so, so sorry, I don't know what came over me."

"I need to be alone," she quietly replied, not looking at me. Goddammit.

"Tori-" my words died in my throat as she ran from the empty classroom, leaving me behind. "Fuck!"

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