Languages, Countries and Nationalities

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Examples of countries:
La France- France La France
L'Italie- Italy Lee-ta-lee
La Lettonie- Latvia La Let-own-ee
L'Espagne- Spain Lesp-an-ya
L'Allemagne- Germany Lal-iman-ya
L'Angleterre- England Lang-let-air *pronounce the hard g*
La Grande-Bretagne- Britain La Grond Brit-an-ya
L'Irlande- Ireland Leer-land
Les États-Units- The USA Lez Ay-ta Yoon-ee
Le Portugal- Portugal La Port-u-gal

There are many other countries; you may need to look some up on the Internet.

In French, all nouns are either masculine or feminine, including the countries. In general, countries ending with -e are feminine, with just a few exceptions, e.g. le Mexique- Mexico.
All other countries will probably be masculine.

Distinguishing between the two is very important. If one were to say "I am going to x (x being a country)," the "to" will change depending on the gender of the country.

Use "en" for all feminine countries, e.g. en France- to/ in France
Use à for any masculine country, e.g. à Mexique- to/ in Mexico
Use aux for any "plural" country (These usually consist of islands). Examples include the USA, aux États-Units- to/ in the USA.


Common languages you may need to know:

Le français- French
L'anglais- English
L'espagnol- Spanish
L'italien- Italian
L'allemand- German
Le chinois- Chinese
Le japonais- Japanese
Le portugais- Portuguese

Use these with the verb parler- to speak

Je parle
Tu parles
Il parle
Elle parle
On parle
Nous parlons
Vous parlez
Ils parlent
Elles parlent

Je parle anglais et français- I speak English and French

To say "in" use "en"

Je parle en anglais- I speak in English


To say your nationality, generally use the same word as the language.
However, in French, adjectives must agree with the gender of the thing it is describing.
This rule applies to the languages.
To agree with a masculine, add nothing.
Feminine: add an e. Some adjectives double up the letter at the end before the e.
Masculine plural: add an s. If the adjective already ends in s or x, add nothing.
Feminine plural: add es


Il est anglais- He is English
Elle est anglaise- She is English
Ils sont anglais- They are English
Elles sont anglaises- They are English

Il est italien- He's Italian
Elle est italienne- She's Italian

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