Topic: Le Cinéma- The Cinema

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Voir- to see
Je suis allé voir un film dans le cinéma- I went to see a film in the cinema

L'écran- the screen
Du popcorn
Une boisson- a drink
Des bonbons- sweets
Du chocolat- chocolate

Quel genre?- What type?
Un film de/ d' :
Horreur- horror
Policier- detective/ mystery
Classique- classic

Une comédie musicale- a musical (just a musical, don't be thrown off by the 'comédie')

Mon personnage préféré est ...... - My favourite character is .....
Car il/ elle est ..... - because he/ she is....
Rigolo(te)- funny
Drôle- funny
Intelligent(e)- clever
Gentil(le)- kind
Sympa- nice

I'll most likely be doing topics like this from now on, but if there's anything grammarwise you want me to do, comment below!

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