Ordinal Numbers

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These are the words for 1st, 2nd, 3rd.

**NOTE that they are not used for dates, with the exception of premier.
Le deux juin- the 2nd of June, le premier octobre- the 1st of October

Un- premier (irregular)- 1st (written as 1er for short)

For the regulars, add -ième to the number.

Deuxième, troisième, etc.


For numbers ending in e, drop the e and then add -ième

E.g. douze- douz- douzième- twelfth

Change f to v- neuf- neuv- neuvième, dix-neuvième, etc.

Add u to numbers ending with q.
Cinq- cinqu- cinquième- fifth

When the numbers double up, the first number will remain the same but the last will change into ordinal

E.g. trente-quatre----> trente-quatrième- 34th

The only exception to this rule is the -1st part of numbers (21st, 31st, etc.)

This becomes *number* et unième

Trente et unième, etc.

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