The Present Participle

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This is any verb ending in -ing, e.g. playing.

In French, this is often incorporated into the verb:

Je porte- I am wearing
Je porterai- I will be wearing
J'ai porté- I have been wearing
Je portais- I was wearing

However, this form can only occur when there is a (pro)noun in front of it. If we want to get it by itself, e.g. having eaten my dinner, we:

》Take the 'nous' form of the verb, e.g. nous portons

》Knock off the pronoun and 'ons' e.g. port

》Add 'ant' e.g. portant- wearing

Manger- mangeons- mange- mangeant
Commencer- commençons- commenç- commençant

There are only 3 of these:

Être- étant
Avoir- ayant
Savoir- sachant

The main time you'd use this in French is with 'en' which, in this case, means 'while'.
E.g. Il parle en mangeant- he speaks while eating.

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