The Conditional Mood

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This is used when saying you would do something, e.g. I would play.


》1) Take the stems of the future tense:
(Copied and edited from the Futur Simple chapter)

'er' and 'ir' verbs
For these verbs, use the whole infinitive as the stem.

For these verbs, knock off the 'e'
Vendre- vendr

1. Être- ser
2. Avoir- aur
3. Aller- ir
4. Faire- fer
5. Savoir- saur
6. Voir- verr
7. Pouvoir- pourr
8. Vouloir- voudr
9. Venir- viendr
10. Pleuvoir- pleuvr
11. Falloir- faudr
12. Envoyer- enverr
13. Devoir- devr

There are two instances that the stems of regular verbs change:

1. 'Yer' verbs, e.g. essayer (the only exception being envoyer, which is irregular)

With these verbs, change the y to i

Example: Essayer= essaier;

2. The verbs that take an è, e.g. se promener, acheter

For these, the e that usually takes an è in the present tense, will also take one in the stem.
Example: acheter= achèter
Se promener= se promèner

》2) Add endings (the same for the imparfait)

Je- ais
Tu- ais
Il- ait
Elle- ait
On- ait
Nous- ions
Vous- iez
Ils- aient
Elles- aient


Je serais- I would be
Tu serais- you would be
Il serait- he would be
Elle serait- she would be
On serait- one would be
Nous serions- we would be
Vous seriez- you would be
Ils seraient- they would be
Elles seraient- they would be


'Si' means 'if'

The rule for using this is:

Si + imparfait + conditionnel

E.g. Si j'étais assez vieux, j'achèterai de l'alcool- if I was old enough, I'd buy some alcohol

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