Useful Vocab

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》Avoir marre de- to be sick of
J'en ai marre- I am sick of it

》S'occuper- to look after

》S'ennuyer- to be/ get bored
Je m'ennuie- I am bored
Je m'ennuyais- I was/ got bored

》Être en colère- to be angry

》Être en retard- to be running late

》Avoir l'air de- to seem/ look
Tu as l'air d'être triste- you seem/ look sad

》Lutter- to fight (as in knuckle-fighting)

》Tomber en amoureuse- to fall in love

》J'ai tout ce qu'il me faut- I have all I need
OR: J'ai tout ce dont j'ai besoin- I have all I need

》Falloir- to be necessary
Il faut faire tes devoirs- It is necessary/ you have to | do your homework
Il faudra- It will be necessary
Il fallait- It was necessary

》À dire la vérité- to tell the truth
À dire la vérité, je ne les aime pas- To tell the truth, I don't like them

》Avoir mal à- to be sore
J'ai mal au dent- I have a sore tooth/ a toothache
J'ai mal à la main- I have a sore hand

》Se casser- to break (a bone)
Je me suis cassé la jambe- I broke my leg
Elle s'est cassé le bras- She broke her arm
*There is no agreement. The reason for this is because there is another object in the sentence other than the reflective object. Also, you don't say 'my leg', for example; only use the definite articles (le/ la/ etc).

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