Object of a Sentence

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In general, the object of a sentence is who the action refers to, e.g. I will kill you go, I made them a cake, etc.

In English, the object always comes after the verb. However, in French, the object only comes after the verb if it is not a pronoun, i.e. I rang Marie. If the object is a pronoun, however, it comes before the verb.

The Object pronouns are as follows (for the standard object):

Je- me/ m'
Tu- te/ t'
Il- le/ l'
Elle- la/ l'
Nous- nous
Vous- vous
Ils- les
Elles- les

Je la vois- I see her
Tu me regarderas- you will look at me
Elles nous ont rencontré- they met us

The Objects with a preposition (usually à)

Je- me/ m'
Tu- te/ t'
Il/ elle- lui
Nous- nous
Vous- vous
Ils/ elles- les

E.g. télephoner à- to phone
J'ai téléphoné à Clare- I phoned Clare. Clare? Oui, je lui ai télephoné- Clare? Yes, I phoned her.

Other Objects include:
》En e.g. J'en suis sûr- I'm sure of it
Le gâteau? Oui, elle en a pris- The cake? Yes, she had some

》Y- there, e.g. J'y allais tous les jours- I used to go there every day

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